Vote Now - May 2021 Pet of the Month Contest

Vote Now for May 2021 Pet of the Month

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TFF Contest Czar
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
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Northeastern USA
We have 11 awesome pets entered into May 2021 Pet of the Month Contest. View all the pets and descriptions below and then go to top of page and click on your choice for POTM and then click the "cast" button.

Please DO NOT post any comments about any specific pet in this thread...such posts will promptly be deleted.

Please Note:
Any attempt to influence competition results, other than by casting your allocated vote, is not permitted and may result in your entry being removed and / or further action being taken. This is a public poll - source of all votes can be viewed.

You are allowed to change your vote if you wish.

Poll will close on May 30th at 4:09 PM ET (US).
Thread will periodically be cleaned up for readability.
We at thank you for your participation
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My cat, Albus (Alby for short)


This is my cat, Albus! He is a hypoallergenic Siberian. We got him 6 and a half years ago when he was 6 months old. My aunt breeds and raises this breed of cat, so families with allergies can have the opportunity to have the joy of a cat. She gave him to us, to be a companion for my brother, who turned out to have severe allergies to him (even though he is hypoallergenic) so now Alby spends most of his time with me! He loves to sit on my school books while I TRY to get some school done, and he loves to kneed my fuzzy pillow, sprawl out beside me on my bed, watch the horses out the window, and sit on my bed and watch my fish or my parakeet. He gets to enjoy outside time under direct supervision. I am trying to get him to climb a tree. He and my Aussie, Griffin, love to wrestle. Albus doesn’t know any tricks, but he uses a litter box, does that count? We scoop his litter box every day.

Albus is a healthy weight, weighing in at 15 pounds! He is absolutely massive. His last vet appointment was last year, and the vet said he was one of the most gorgeous cats he had ever seen in our area, and that he was in perfect health, outstanding for his age.

He has such intense, serious ”facial expressions” but is really very playful!

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This is my dog Gatsby. He is a rescue dog that we got a couple of months back. He had entropion eyes which was where his eyelashes grew into his eyes causing him pain and health issues. They believe that it was a genetic issue since he is a rare color of pit bull that can have many health and genetic issues attached with it. He had to get surgery and was in and out of it constantly for months. He now can see pretty well (although he still runs into things) and he is happier than ever! He also was abused and when we first got him he was struggling with trust. His previous owners had ditched him on the side of the road to avoid the cost of his medical payments. He used to run and hide around the house like under my desk and other things. He was scared of my other dogs and refused to go near them and would growl at them. Now Gatsby is thriving, he snuggles and is a sweet boy who loves love! He loves to play with my other dogs and loves playing fetch. He has grown so much from the scared boy he used to be and I’m excited to see how he continues to grow. One of his favorite activities is to bite his own nails and trim them ? (PS I will attach the note when I get home)
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This is Frazier, the family golden retriever.

Frazier was a rescue who unfortunately has poor eyesight as well as hip problems and is very scared of thunderstorms.

Frazier loves to guard his toys and food. If one of the other dogs goes near him while he’s eating, and he growls at you. Try to take his toys from him? Growl. He sometimes will even protect the poor bunnies that my cat kidnaps. When my mom tries to take them and release them he growls. He obviously takes protection very seriously?.

His main way of getting your attention is pawing/kicking your legs. The only way to get him to stop is deal with the constant pawing for 20 minutes, or pet him. If both of those don’t work he will wait until you sit down if you haven’t already and lay his head on your lap with the most adorable puppy eyes ever. We like to play with him and he will sit and watch tv with me.

Other stuff:
He weighs roughly 70 pounds and is I think 6 years old but I’m not sure. We feed him Canidae dry dog food as well as give him some Canidae wet food as a variety. He also takes pills for his hip and
he gets plenty of treats.
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This is Chili!
He is an 11 month old polish dwarf rabbit.
Chili came to us as a foster, after he was rescued from a little cage where his owners neglected him. He was sick when we got him, and the fur was missing from his nose. He was nervous too, and just hid for the first day.
Slowly though, he started to become more and more comfortable around us. Now he absolutely loves to be held and cuddled.
He has this weird obsession with licking people. If you hold him for a while, he'll start licking all over your neck and face. It's absolutely adorable.
Chili also loves food. He knows what sound the refrigerator makes when you open it, and when he hears it, he immediately starts begging for vegetables.
He has a ball that we fill with hay, and he can spend ages just rolling it around and pulling the hay out. It's really fun to watch.
Chili also wants us to chase him around the house. When he's out of his pen, he'll run up to you, then run away and wait. When you go towards him, he'll run and do a binky. Then he'll wait for you to go to him again.
Chili also likes to watch TV. We have an elderly family member living with us, who unfortunately can't move around very well. He spends most of his time on the couch watching TV or reading. When the TV is on, Chili lays all stretched out next to the couch, and watches it, sometimes for several hours at a time!
He is such a sweet rabbit, we just couldn't give him away again. So, of course, we adopted him. :lol:
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Here is my little 8kg bundle of joy ?
Name: Merlin
Age: 8.5 years
Breed: Havanese
He has a wonderful, sweet & friendly disposition, loves everyone (especially elderly ladies, extrapolating from our neighbour who always gives him treats ?). He knows most of the basic commands - sit, stay, lie down etc., plus a few tricks - weave, roll over, high five, over/under, up etc. He's very smart, less motivated by food and more by toys/playing. He underwent knee surgery 2 years ago for a torn ligament, but is back to his old energetic self now. He has always been very fit and healthy, undeterred even from long mountain hikes. He's a big goofball too, always makes people laugh with his adorable antics.
He's the apple of my eye & I love him to death ❤️
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This is Norah:

I got Norah from a rescue centre about four years ago, she had been abandoned and had been found in a bit of a sorry state. The rescue centre had to treat her for allergies which gave her a horrible skin condition and they removed all but one of her teeth. She’s now on a restricted diet which means she longer has to have steroids and she has a heart murmur.

She stays indoors, but has the option of going out on the balcony if she chooses. It’s all netted so she can’t fall off!

Norah was about 10-11 years old when I got her so somewhere about 14-15 now.

I wanted a cat as the last of my children had just moved out and I needed someone to make dinner for!!

Norah is more like a dog than a cat in many ways and as soon as anyone sits on the sofa she’s there, on their lap purring away. Norah doesn’t “meow” - she opens her mouth as if she is but no noise comes out.

As an older lady with one tooth, she sometimes needs a little helping hand with her hygiene routine and happily stands in the bath and gets showered!

The second photo shows her on the bed this morning, her tongue often slips out of her mouth and when she’s really relaxed she dribbles !!!
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This is Colt, he's a four year old Auatrailian Shepherd. Often called a pretty princess because he has delicate feet that he places in your hand for treats. He prances like an antelope and sheds like a bear. He's a very smart dog who can do tricks as simple as sitting to turning in circles on his two back feet when told to dance pretty. He doesn't like loud noises but will be the first dog to bark at a noise four houses over if it sounds like a critter.
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Little Ewok 3.jpg

Little Ewok is a female calico cat. I raised her mother a calico cat from a kitten. I named her Ewok because that is who she reminds me of, the little furry guys from Star Wars. I feed her Purina Kitten Chow and caned cat food.

She is very playful with her brother. I woke up this morning with both kittens running across my bed, chasing each other, ignoring me while running across me too. Then they jumped down from the bed and off to the other side of the room, back again jumping on the bed. Running across me again, back across the other side of the bed. Then underneath the bed and back across the room they
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Ok! This is my Phyllocrania Paradoxica, or Ghost Mantis.

About Ghost Mantises:

These guys get a mere 1.5 inches. They live around 7-9 months. You can tell them apart by the crown. They can also be kept together.

About him:

His name is Charlie. He lives in a 2.5 gallon tank. He was ordered online from I feed him Greenbottle flies, Earwigs, and the occasional grub or worm. He loves to climb on my hand. I also got bit by him once! It didn’t really hurt, it was just like “AHHH, I didn’t expect that!” He enjoys climbing on newspaper as well. Thinks it is his personal playground.


Charlie lives in a 2.5 gallon tank. He has a substrate from Joshua Tree. I put in a few rocks, and some sticks. He also has orchid bark, oak leaves, and some other stuff I found in my yard at the bottom.

This is my second try for photography. This time, I used a camera I use for macro stuff in the field. Isnt the best pic, but whatever!

Dont only vote on cuteness!
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This is kona my Tri color American pitbull bully.

she is 6 years old born in Victoria, Canada
she goes by many names such as Cho Chi, koni, Hafa Poki, canadian bacon, and sometimes kitbull

her unique trick is sounding like a pig it's hilarious

she like to chase flies and play with other dogs

when she catches the flies she, well, eats them

she LOVES to eat -_-
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Here is one last chance for Iti. I scared her half to death to get the photo with the sign in front of her. But here is our beautiful girl walking on water playing "Pat the the fish". By the way she has never harmed a fish in her life, so I think she is a super star. Her name is Iti Whetu which means little Star, but she is way more than that and at 17 years we just hope she carries on enjoying life.
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End of Entries:
Please slowly scroll up as you review the 11 entrants and then cast your vote in the poll at the top of this thread. This poll will close on May 30th at 4:09 PM ET (US).
Thanks for participating in our Pet of the Month contest.

Starting at the end of this month, we will be accepting entries in our June Tank of the Month contest. For June, we will be featuring tanks sized at 16 gallons and smaller. If you have a tank of that size, we hope you will enter the contest.
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Congrats go out to I like Rare Fish with his very unique Ghost Mantis. Great picture and great pet!
Coming in second place is FroFro with her Awesome Australian Shephard. Good job, FroFro.
Coming in third place is itiwhetu with his beautiful cat that can walk on water. Nice photo!
For those who didn't win or didn't enter, we hope you enter our next Pet of the Month contest in mid July.
Thanks to all members who particiapted in this month's Pet of the Month contest.
Head of to the Winner's thread if you'd like to congratulate him.

Our Tank of the Month contest featuring tanks sized at 16 gallons and smaller is now accepting entires. If you have a tank of that size, we hope you enter it in the contest.
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