VOTE NOW..May 2019 Tank of the Month closed

VOTE NOW for your choice on the May 2019 Tank of the Month

  • malawilover22

  • Danny Bell

  • manxnorton

  • WinterSoldier

  • CactusQueen

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TFF Contest Czar
Staff member
Global Moderator ⚒️
Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
Northeastern USA

We have 5 worthy entrants this month. View all the tanks and descriptions below and then go to top of page and click on your choice for TOTM

It’s best to view these awesome tanks on a computer screen or a tablet instead of a small phone screen.

Please DO NOT post any comments about specific tanks in this thread...such posts will promptly be deleted

Poll will close on May 15 at 4 pm

We at thank you for your participation.
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My 125 gallon planted discus tank,

CO2: I run 3 fx-6 and one fx-4 diy co2 spraybar ,diy co2 diffuser,5lb co2 tank

Equipment: three jager heaters,two uv sterilizers ,two whispwr 100 air pumps,three zxmean black box lights

Plants: sag,anubis coffefolia,anubis barteri,anubis pettite, mother plants , flame purple knights, three kinds of moss ,

stocking: 10 discus all grown out from 2 inch
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Click on video below

I hope the video works. A lot has changed in my tank since last week new plants lights and fish but still a ways to go need a second filter then I can start on my reef tank

Fluval Osaka 155 litres

unknown tank, was cycled with a huge cichlid in it when I got it but I've had it running for 12 weeks now

Water parameters:
0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 25 nitrate, pH: 7.4, temp: 28 degrees center grade

Tank Maintenance:
I do 25% water change every week with a 50% on the fourth week filter scrubs in changed tank water every two weeks. Water tested weekly on strips and four weekly with kit

Gravel mixture from 3mm to 10mm as a base then a standard fish tank sand

Filter was given to me with the tank its a juwel filter not sure on which one has 1 bio pad 1 ammonia pad and 2 carbon pads, I know I need a cover as some of my fish like to hide in there. This will be one of 2 filters I'm going to get a larger hand on the edge filter soon

Live plants:
Amazon swords
I cant remember what the other 2 pieces were called lol

Feeding schedules:
Twice daily morning is pellets and flakes and in the afternoon blood worms

Current fish stocking:
1 spotted pleco
1 albino red tail
1 rabbit snail
1 plattys
2 swordtails
4 mollies
1 angel fish
1 silver Shark
1 red claw crab
1 bamboo shrimp
2 gouarmi

Fluval ecobright

I also have a 54l Fluval flex tank which is my next project its was my starter tank but I'm going to turn it into a reef tank once this tanks done
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Date setup: 01 May 2019
Tank Name: unknown.
106Litres (3ft size)
Filtration: JBL CrystalprofilE702 external filter & sponge filter.
Lighting: NICREW Super Bright LED lamp.
Micranthemum 'Monte-Carlo'
Spiky moss
Alternanthera reineckii 'Rosanervig'
Cardamine lyrate
Limnophila sessiliflora
Anubias mini mini
Marsilea Hirsuta
Echinodorus bleheri
Lysimachia nummularia aurea
Rotala rotundifolia
Microsorium pteropus
Aquacare Plant Gro
Airation: Airpump into sponge filter & exsteral filter.
Water management: Partial water changes, then once cycled big water change.
Substrate: Tetra Active substrate. black, white & blue/grey gravel.
Heater: Aquel Easy Heater 150w.
Water testing: Freshwater master Test kit.

Cycled so far Day 8.

Thank you for viewing. Bri
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This is my 20 gallon walstad a few months ago. Personally my favorite picture of it to date

Tank: 20 gallon starter kit from petsmart
Heater: Aqueon
FIlter: top fin
substrate: Dirt gathered from my garden
cap: flourite red
maintenance: 25 % water change every two weeks
stocking: Platy fry, endler fry, two male guppies, 5 neon tetras, mystery snails, nerite snails (there was a glofish but I sold him)
Parameters: Ammonia 0.0 Nitirte .0.0 Nitrate .5
Plants: Jungle val, broad leaf ludwigia, java moss, amazon sword x2, cardinal plant, red ludwigia, water wisteria, sagataria
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I guess I’ll enter even though my tank’s not that fancy!

Tank: 10 gallon tank from PetSmart
Heater: Aqueon (if I’m remembering right that is)
Filter: TopFin Silenstream 10
Light: NICREW Classic LED Plus
Substrate: CaribSea Floramax
Maintenance: 50% water change every two weeks
Stocking: 2 male platies and “bonus” snails (what some call pest snails haha)
Plants: red ludwigia, bronze crypts, java moss, marimo moss balls, anubias nana petite, frogbit
Ferts: Thrive root caps that I replace every few months and a couple squirts of ThriveS a week
Parameters: ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate <20

I am still new to fish keeping and this tank is only a few months old, but everything is growing and the fish seem happy, so I’m proud :p
That is all the entries....please review all the tanks as you slowly scroll up to the top of this topic and then cast your vote in the poll.
Thanks for your participation in TOTM contest.

.............our Pet of the Month Contest will be starting once voting for totm is finalized..keep an eye out for the banner once POTM starts...
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Very close contest.. only two votes separate the two leaders ...only 3 days left in the contest...please review all the entries and then
if you’ve haven’t already voted.
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Contest is very close...just 4 votes separate the leaders. Just one day left to get in your vote..let's get the total over 100 for May TOTM.
If you haven't already voted, VOTE NOW...
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