🐶 POTM Vote Now! - January 2023 Pet of the Month Contest featuring Pet Pals

Vote Now - January 2023 Pet of the Month (Pet Pals)

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Sep 23, 2013
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Northeastern USA

We have 9 very cute pairs of Pet Pals entered into the January 2023 Pet of the Month Contest. View all the pets and descriptions below and then go to top of page and click on your choice for POTM and then click the "cast" button.

Please DO NOT post any comments about any specific pet in this thread...such posts will promptly be deleted.

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Poll will close on January 30th at 4:05 PM ET (US).
Thread will periodically be cleaned up for readability.
We at fishforums.net thank you for your participation
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Here are my pet pals, Tucker (right) and Lucy (left)!
Both are my family’s house dogs and are very love able and cuddly.

Tucker is an old man at 11 years old. His birthday is April fools day, and he’s a Maltese Poodle mix. Super grumpy- his language is growling. 😂🤷‍♀️
His favorite treats are pupperonis and cheese. He can do all of the tricks possible- even playing the piano 😂

Lucy is still a young little gal at 3 years. Her birthday is October 28th- we made it up because she was a rescue puppy. She was abused by her previous owners- and we couldn’t let her sit at the shelter😍
Lucy’s favorite hobbies consist of jumping logs, running as fast as possible, and watching squirrels out the big window. She really is a little bugger 😂

Tucker and Lucy have a bit of a love hate relationship- they’re quite the opposite, Tucker being a food motivated lazy lapdog and Lucy an athletic nature girl. But, they love each other and enjoy sleeping in the sun as shown 😂😍
I hope you love them as much as I do 🥰
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Hi! these are my 2 Mongolian gerbils: Goldie and Dakota! They're both two years old and 5 months, and they are also basically Besties/Roomates.
Goldie lost her tail as a baby but she's still the feisty one 24/7!🤣 Everyday she tries to jump out and see the living room (where see lives), and maybe bonked her head enough to start another hobby, digging glass. Goldie is the type of person where they never Get fat no matter how much or what she eats.
Dakota is the lazy one and also the one stops Goldie from going crazy. Her hobby would be being happy every second of her life🐹. But, she's also a tiny bit overweight at 89 g when Females are supposed to be 80g max. She also looks like she's wearing a permanent tux.
They're both the total opposites like white and black but that never stops them from liking the exact same things!🧀
They absolutely are in love with papayas, and that was maybe entirely my fault. While Goldie and Dakota's relationship is "besties", The pet and owner relationship between us is probably most likely the master (them) and the slave (me).😅
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This is Sella and Alex my two stunning female Spiny Stick Insects (Extatosoma tiaratum).
Alex and Stella are sisters who quite literally 'hang' out together. I got them as eggs early last year. Stella hatched about 4 months ago and Alex about 3. They are native to Australia and live high within the leafy foliage of our native eucalypts, across New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria and Tasmania.

They are very harmless herbivores and eat eucalyptus leaves. Their defence mechanisms include camouflage and falling to the ground; falling is faster than crawling (they can be quite dramatic). They also roll up their tail to make them look scary like a scorpion! These girlies will grow to about 18 cm long. The males get to only around 11 cm.

Once a female reaches adulthood, she will lay 1-2 eggs daily. These eggs take 6-9 months to hatch. If the female has mated with a male, the offspring will be a mix of their genetics. If the female hasn’t been with a male, all the offspring will be genetically identical to the mother. This is due to a process called parthenogenesis or cloning. In the wild, eggs are scattered throughout the forest floor with a flick of the mother's tail. This ensures that she won’t need to compete for resources. At the end of each egg, there is a small lump of sugar. This sugar encourages ants to take the eggs down into their nest to feed on the sugar and the nest provides the perfect conditions for the egg to develop. Once the egg hatches, the baby leaf insect makes its way out of the nest and into a tree. As the baby stick insect is covered in the ant's pheromones, it has no issues emerging from the nest unnoticed.

I reckon they're pretty cool creatures 🤩
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These two cuties are the newest adoptions.
The one on the right is bigger, and his name is Ozzy (for the poem Ozymandias). We suspect that he is maybe 10 months old. The gray is a girl, named Millie. We were told by the shelter that she is a year old, but based on size, she looks closer to 8 months. We think that Millie has impaired vision, as she has a hard time keeping track of moving objects. This doesn't stop the kitties!
They love to play tag and take turns chasing each other around the house, and it's so adorable and fun to watch! They often eat at the same time, from the same food source. And even though they're not litter mates and had never met each other till we brought them home a few weeks ago, they like to snuggle together on the couch.
I hope that the sweeties melted y'all's hearts like they did mine!
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Our brother and sister from the same litter of quadruplets. 😼

I try to apply dog training techniques because I've learned cats bond through interaction and play and prefer this over even food!

I've taught them to *sit* with treats as a reward and because they're cats (independent/ like things on their terms unlike dogs who are happy to please once they know how)... These two think whenever they run up to me and *sit* that I should give them treats lol I know exactly which times of day they jump on the table next to the treats shelf, *sit* and gaze at me... and what they're asking for lol cheeky monsters! They don't know how expensive their luxury treats are!

The Calico girl is officially insured under the name: Goddess Phoenix Amore (my partner is silly!)

The Ginger boy, same: Lord Callisto Da Vinci (I didn't know she'd actually register them under these and am embarrassed every time I call the vet loool)

They're both 2 years old. 🐈🐈

Even though he tries to dominate her at home, when another male cat in the garden challenges him, he runs away and his sister charges at the male to protect him and the territory! 🤣

I feed them BLINK! wet food pouches which state 99% meat and no derivatives or fillers.

They also have dry food from the following brands: Thrive, Feringa, Wild freedom, Orijen. They all use 60% + meat and no derivatives 🍗

They only eat THRIVE treats! Freeze dried 100% meats.

I tried katkin so they'd get some veggie but they refused. I also tried Feringa & Wild freedom wet foods as vet recommended but they refuse the offal😅

They only eat chicken and fish, Blink! Brand wet pouches. White meat is apparently their natural diet so I guesd they're wired right 😂 but they will only tolerate turkey mixed into chicken and will not eat red meat at all or other fancy meats. I've tried veal, rabbit etc but they won't touch it and also won't eat the vet recommended offal inclusive brands wet, but will eat it as dry food. No idea why! 😜 Maybe it is too rich.😅🥩

Both are chipped & fixed but the boy still jumps on his sister which is a daily hassle to distract his hormones from.😅 apparently takes 3 years for testosterone to start subsiding?

She is somehow unconditionally loving towards him and despite it leading to some him swiping and nipping a bit, will try to give him kisses and groom lol😍 Smothery sister.

Undoubtedly lots of sibling rivalry. Nonetheless both very sweet. Not the most intelligent as some other cats, but adorable.🤣

The girl is 'obviously' a better hunter! As with big cats 🐆🐅🦁🐯etc 😌 She'll catch a bee or fly in 5 seconds or less but the boy will fumble and give up or end up just watching the bee for ages. 🤣 Totally uncoordinated, he'd rather observe a squirrel on the roof than try to hurt it. More of a foolish adventurer, a typical boy venturing out and around the cul-de-sac whilst the girl is also stereotypically cautious and wise, staying close to home and like most female cats, though shy and took longer to bond and trust, she is more loyal in the long run.

Following Callisto's lead, when they first arrived, they played for multiple days only with each other before feeling safe to approach us. The boy was first to ask for a cuddle and Pheonix followed. Now, Phoenix spends more time with me than Callisto does.

I bought them a double bunk stroller so they can come for walks and not be bored, but they weren't a fan of the walks, maybe the vibrating wheels feel like being on a skateboard for a beginner! However, it was a good buy because they use it as a bunk bed lol

I bought them a £35 quality material cube with a hole and a fluffy cushion they can hide in, they totally ignored it and instead play in the large cardboard box my bulk loo roll comes in twice a year haha.

Basically, they're cats lol
They're also two unique souls with unique quirks and we love them immensely. 🧡
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The little buckling is a Nigerian dwarf. His coloring is buckskin with an extensive white overlay. His dam is also a Nigerian dwarf and she is buckskin with white and a white pole.

His half-niece is the doe he jumped on in the end of the video.

Our Nigerian dwarf does only get about knee-high at max so they are pretty little goats.

They live in an insulated barn and fenced-in lot with our other 21 does and kids.

We feed non GMO grain, Organic alfalfa pellets, and pesticide-free hay. We also have an Organic loose mineral.

Queen gets milked twice a day.

The buckling loves hanging out on his dam's back (even when she is walking). When he is not doing that he is jumping around the pen, eating, or hanging out with his brother.

Queen Mab looks like she has found her new home and will be picked up as soon as her bucklings can be weened next month unless someone else will take both her and her bucklings sooner.

We have had Goats since 2015. We breed Nigerian dwarf goats for their milk. We also breed to show standards as some of our buyers show. We milk test and are a tested clear herd of Cl, CEA, and Johnes. We raise our goats as naturally as possible feeding nonGMO and organic feed. You can find us on Reddit, Youtube, The Goat Spot, MeWe, and you can find me on Dairy Goat Info.
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Hello, everyone, these are my babies - Pabu and Maisie. They've been best friends ever since they met in 2017, when Maisie joined our little family. They love sleeping together, Pabu always hugs and cleans her, and Maisie always makes sure he doesn't sleep too long so that they can play together.

Pabu is a tabby and he loves playing with any feathery toys, catching leaves that fall onto our balcony, and cleaning (I can hear him cleaning as I'm typing this lol).
Maisie is part Maine Coon, she loves playing with a laser, sliding on our tiled floors and investigating every little corner of our apartment.

Pabu was born in August 2015, and came to us a couple of months later. He eats both kibble and wet food, but always drags me to the kitchen to get him another can of food. Maisie was born in March 2017, she despises any sort of wet food (apart from pastes), eats only kibble and devours water like there's no tomorrow. Her preferred way of drinking water is a water fountain, or even better: a glass.

As for tricks, Pabu loves kisses: if I say 'kiss' to him, he positions his forehead to get a kiss (sometimes even comes for kisses on his own), and if I tell Maisie to come to me, she immediately does and then we do some brushing, which she loves. Then Pabu wants to be brushed too, and that feels like brushing a bald cat, after playing with Maisie's luxurious locks. :)
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This is Blaze & Mercedes.
They are brother & sister bengals and are very best friends. Blaze has been through 2 FHO surgeries but is still a playful kitty who loves to play with toys & sleep in odd places. Mercedes loves food & will try to eat anything she sees, so you have to be on guard at all times but is the sweetest & softest kitty. They just turned 2 years old last August & had some kitty tuna cakes to celebrate. They are growing with my almost 2 year old daughter & I am absolutely loving every moment of it ! :D
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End of entries:
Please scroll up slowly as you review the 9 awesome entries and then click on your choice for POTM. Be sure to click on the "cast" button to register your vote.
Thanks for participating in TFF Pet of the Month contest.

At the end of this month, we will start accepting entries for February 2023 Tank of the Month. For February, we will be featuring tanks sized at 31 gallons and larger. If you have a tank of that size, please consider entering the TOTM contest.
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