Very high nitrate

pumaf1 said:
hi guys an update:

PH 7.0
Ammonia 0
NitrAte 0
NitrIte 0

I have ahd a layer of what I can only call scum on the surface when I came in from work tonight that wasnt there went I left. dunn what that was but removed it with the net.

can i put fish in now?
Before you add fish, I would add ammonia again to raise the level to about 1 ppm. If the ammonia and nitrites are both gone again within about 24 hours, then you are cycled and ready for fish. Until you do get fish though, continue to add ammonia everyday to feed the bacteria colony, otherwise it will die off and you will have to start over. Also, if you did a good fishless cycle (raised the ammonia up to around 4 to 6 pm to begin with), you should add at least 75% of your fish load at once. if you add only a few fish to start, they won't produce enough waste to feed the bacteria and most of it will die off, causing a mini cycle when you add the next load of fish.

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