twin changes

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Fish Fanatic
Jul 19, 2004
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Look, I gotta do a water change in about a day or so, but there's somethings that I'm concerned about. Like Water Temp., pH, fish going into shock. If I get close enough to the real tank water in my tank, will be much of a problem? Because I was going to do one today but my dad "THINKS" he knows what to do even though I've done more research than him, says that you don't change the water at all. And I know if I do and I kill my fish :-( , all im going to hear from him is "I told you. You don't want to listen." Can you help me on this water change? Thankz
You're water does need changing. once a week/fortnight is sufficient. you probably want to change around 10-20% of the total volume of the tank. Just add dechlorinator to the water before you put it in the tank and all should be fine.
I know how you feel, my dad is convinced that doing water changes will kill my fish. :rolleyes: Try showing him some books/internet articles about the importance of water changes, and challenge him to find some reliable sources that say otherwise. ;)

The pH of your tank water shouldnt be too different from you tapwater. Why don't you test it to make sure?

Also, a small water change of a different temperature shouldn't affect them too badly, but to be on the safe side just add some hot water to your water change till it is the same temp. Check what temp it is with your tank thermometer if it's one of those stuck on with a sucker, or borrow one from the kitchen (don't tell your mum!)

good luck, I'm sure you'll be fine. thousands of people do weekly water changes with no problems. :)
Maybe your dad heard something about NEVER changing ALL of the water in one go and he's just got a bit confused, bless him.

If you bought a cheap gravel vac (about £6) and demonstrated to him just how much decaying 'crap' there is sitting on the bottom of the tank, he'd realise that that is no way to live.

Maybe just do a 15% water change to start off with and see the differnce in the water clarity.

I replace about that much every week and it just keeps the tank tidy and healthy looking.
even if you just stir up the gravel bed with a stick/net/finger, you will see all the gunk rise out of it. ewww.
My dad tinks my filtration system is useless and that all i need to do is get a UG and feed the fish. i feel sorry for fish when they didn't know wot fish really need but then i supose in about 50years time we'll be called barbaric for the way we keep fish.
Water changes are THE most important thing with keeping fish. Way back, pre-electricity, daily water changes were the only way to keep fish alive for a reasonable amount of time. I have fry tanks that get daily or every other day water changes, depending on the age of the fry. Skip a couple days, and I find a few dead ones.

Ever wonder why really old tanks have slate bottoms, and no one makes them that way any more? They used to heat them from underneath with oil burners. Glass would crack, slate won't.

I'll bet you are right, Tropjunky. 50 years ago undergravel filters & electric heaters were high tech. 50 years from now we will probably look as primitive as the guys with oil burners.


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