Tropical FF Pet Peeves

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- I really hate it when you buy a fish and it looks all healthy and when you get home and spend a hour making sure it has adjusted before putting it in and then within a week it dies!

- I went in pets at home once and saw some large barbs about 25cm and some 5cm cichlids in the same tank.
An one of the barbs had a cichlid hanging out it's mouth! :angry: after seeing that and a dead fish in almost every tank I left, I coulde'nt bare to look in there ever again. :sad:
I get peed off by people coming onto the planted forum and then answering people's questions with old school answers that are no longer used or quoted by the planted community such as 'phosphates cause algae' or 'you can only have 4cm or less of sand or your fish will die from anaerobic pockets'

You know who you all are!!!!

people who bring up old threads just to bump their post count up
ooo old thread, one of my first ever posts was on this thread somewhere :)
Old thread, but while it's back up here I might as well vent :shout: :p

- Any and all misinformation about the poor common goldfish. No you cannot keep them in a bowl/5 gal hex/10 gal tank, they grow huge and belong in a pond. Total lack of knowledge about cycling seems to go hand in hand with goldfish too.

- People who impulse buy fish on the basis of looks and then post on here asking how to look after it.

- 'I'm going to upgrade to a 100gal+ next year when I move out of my parent's house' 'nuff said.

- People Who Type Like This With Every Letter Capitalised

- ppl who type lyke dis yo

- ppl WhO typE Lyke DIS@ YO!!111

- People who ask for help or information and then completely disregard it, saying that the fish have been that way 'like, forever', that they know better and we're all keeping ours wrong anyway. So there. Why bother posting in the first place if you think your way is best?

- Your and you're. Learn the difference for the sake of my sanity! :p

- People who sprinkle apostrophes throughout their posts, especially before any letter s. My tetra's are having baby's, help! etc.

- Aquarium retailers and shops who don't make the effort to educate people about fish, especially manufacturers who perpetuate false information. For example, all those tiny tanks which are pictured on the box as containing 5 or 6 goldfish.

Ahh, that's better. :p
Also people who feed their predatory fish, mice etc, and think its cool.
Also people who feed their predatory fish, mice etc, and think its cool.
Oh man, this is one of mine, too. It's really disgusting and not very natural for the fish. There are so many other, humane things to feed the fish, which would also be better, healthwise, in the longrun. People just take pleasure in the weirdest things. :crazy:

I also hate, people, who use, too many, com,mas. Or people who suffer from the lack of comma usage. Or punctuation in general.
It really irritates me when you see kids in a pet shop run up to the fish tank section and start tapping on all of the tanks shouting things like "Look there's NEEEMO! Muummy can i have a NEMO, pleeese?" Etc. Then the kid finally get the poor fish and are allowed to hold its bag and then start shaking the poor fishes bag around trying to make it swim about while talking to the fish saying its going to be happy with its goldfish friends back home etc, while the worn out mother just ignores the kid.
God, it makes me cringe. I feel total sympathy for fish that get sold to kids like that- fish aren't toys or cheap amusements for kids, when will some parents respect this?
This is my NUMBER 1 PET PEEVE.

LFS's that employ kids who just want quick loot. They know nothing about fish and they can't set other people who know nothing about fish on the right track. This is a real problem with chain stores. You go in there and people my age - 14/15 are serving customers. Every second question you ask they can't answer, they haven't kept this, haven't tried feeding that, never treated water with the other. They don't know how large the fish grow or whether they're suitable for community tanks.

These people don't care about the fish they are selling, they just want work for money. They will sell any fish to anybody who asks without enquiring about the tank size/occupants etc. People will never listen to me because usually I'm younger than the sales assistants.

Actually that brings me to another pet peeve - people who think I can't be a responsible or knowledgeable fish keeper because I'm not quite 14 yet. Just because I am a teenager, I am not stupid, and I do care about my fish. :)

Or people who knock me because I don't keep anything rare/expensive/large - I live in a SMALL HOUSE. My fishtanks sit on CHIPBOARD DESKS. My parents have said no to large tanks. I have to make do with multiple small tanks and no sophisticated equipment. Therefore, I keep fish that can handle those conditions - at present, livebearers and bettas.
People who sneer down at you for asking simple questions.

And people who fly off the handle about tank size withoput even asking if your planning an upgrade.

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