Too Many Baby Fish


Fish Fanatic
Jan 26, 2007
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Ok, So it was cute when my swordtail gave birth so I had a few baby fish (4 survived to a reasonable size). Then it was ok when my red platy had a few babies that survived (another 5). Now, after getting back after a weekend away I find yet more platys and also some black molly babies.
So I can give some away but is there a simple way to stop them keep having babies all the time or I'm going to spend all my time rehoming fish! All of this has happened in the space of 4 months.
they will do.It's pretty much impossible not to get babies from livebearing fish.If you just keave them be the adult fish will probably just eventualy eat them.
But the bigger fish just seem to leave them be? Mind you, the biggest fish is a swordtail. got some Danios but they don't seem to eat them either.
I have 2 male platy/swordtail hybrids and 9 female platys. Last week 3 of the females were fit to bust, this week they are as slim as kate moss! :hyper: I haven't seen any fry anywhere and i'm assuming they've been eaten. The fact that i feed my fish every 2 days may be a factor! :unsure:
In 2 months since i got platys i have more than 100 babies some 2 months old and 1.5 cm long next month they go to the lfs it was an agrement
Thats why Guppies, Swordtails, Platys, Mollies are all classed as beginners fish, if you cant get them to breed, take your tank back and take up sewing lol.

Get rid of the males, or females, that will solve the problem, or buy a predator ;)
Lol.. that just sounds so terrible :p But Yeah, I was just gonna say let the parents eat the fry so I guess that doesn't sound any better rofl.
If ya don't want to kill them off, just find some LFS that will take them.
I think my platty is pregnant her belly is HUGE looks like she is going to pop and the other platty (obviously male) just follows her about everywhere!! How do i know when she is goin to "drop"? What do i do buy a breeding net and put her in it until the babys are born then take her out and leave the baby's in there?

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