Tiny white bugs in fish food(help identify please)


New Member
Oct 11, 2017
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These bugs look like dust when looking at it from a normal distance but today, well 10mins ago I noticed some movement in the food so like any normal person who doesn't own a microscope I used my phone camera just to notice the soo called dust was actually a colony of some unknown bug.in the picture look on top and around the pellets.


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They're probably flour mites. You need to chuck the whole lot out and buy fresh. They breed in damp conditions, so you need to look at how you're storing your fish food to make sure it doesn't happen again.
They're probably flour mites. You need to chuck the whole lot out and buy fresh. They breed in damp conditions, so you need to look at how you're storing your fish food to make sure it doesn't happen again.
yikes, that's horrifying
I've had the same thing happen to an old can of flakes I ditched for higher quality foods. When I opened it up all the flakes were gone, turned into a mass of dust and writhing mites. Disgusting.
Eww no. I'll stick with frozen foods and the occasional spider.

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