Tiger Barb fins nearly gone?!


New Member
Oct 5, 2020
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Hi there!
I went away on vacation for 2 days, my fish were fed by a trust worthy family friend. I come back to one of my tiger barbs fins nearly gone, the poor thing is swimming funny and struggling, but still swimming and trying to eat as well.
I have 7 tiger barbs in total, some tetra too. Then bottom feeders. All my other fish look completely fine and normal and they have all been in the same tank together for about 3 months now with no previous issues.
Water parameters look good, and everything just looks normal and good.
Any ideas as to what I should do? I already separated the fish and put melafix (spelling?) in the tank.
I suggest putting said fish in a quarantine tank and treating with salt. Do you have pictures? @Colin_T is our disease and injury guy.
Hi there!
I went away on vacation for 2 days, my fish were fed by a trust worthy family friend. I come back to one of my tiger barbs fins nearly gone, the poor thing is swimming funny and struggling, but still swimming and trying to eat as well.
I have 7 tiger barbs in total, some tetra too. Then bottom feeders. All my other fish look completely fine and normal and they have all been in the same tank together for about 3 months now with no previous issues.
Water parameters look good, and everything just looks normal and good.
Any ideas as to what I should do? I already separated the fish and put melafix (spelling?) in the tank.
I suggest putting said fish in a quarantine tank and treating with salt. Do you have pictures? @Colin_T is our disease and injury guy.
That fish got beat up.

For whatever reason, one or more of the other guys in the tank have been.nippin away at that ones.fins. Tiger barbs can be aggressive, but usually do well in groups. Tetras will nip fins as well. That fish may be sick with something.

If it is an otherwise healthy fish, good news is the fins will grow back. You gotta figure out why it is getting.nipped at, or it will continue to happen. I have gone up to 4 days without feeding tetras and barbs with no issues. The only time I saw any nipping was the barbs ganged up on a sick long finned danios and nipped away at its fins until I took that danios out. It was dead a few days later. It was sick with something. Nobody else died tho, so I figured they were just tasting it to see if they were gonna eat it when it passed...

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