The_Lock_Man Retiring As A Moderator


Reef Tank, Crustacean, and Puffer Enthusiast
Staff member
Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
It is with a touch of sadness that I announce the retirement of the_lock_man from our moderation team. He's been our SPAM killer extraordinaire and always given an honest and unique perspective to our moderation efforts. But, like so many of us he has a real life out side the forum which has taken more and more of his time of late and he let us know that he was retiring as a mod since he wasn't going to be able to devote the attention to it he felt it deserved. 
We really appreciate all that he's done and we are grateful! All of us on the mod team are volunteers so we fully understand his choice...but of course we don't have to like it. ;)
Thank you very much Mr. the_lock_man! 
He is probably wanting to visit Holland (as in the past) hahaha.
I can fully understand your need for time, been there, done that. It was a pleasure to work with you and I hope that life is treating you well to cause the lack of time.
Chad said:
It is with a touch of sadness that I announce the retirement of the_lock_man from our moderation team. He's been our SPAM killer extraordinaire
Chad said:
and always given an honest and unique perspective to our moderation efforts. But, like so many of us he has a real life out side the forum which has taken more and more of his time of late and he let us know that he was retiring as a mod since he wasn't going to be able to devote the attention to it he felt it deserved. 
We really appreciate all that he's done and we are grateful! All of us on the mod team are volunteers so we fully understand his choice...but of course we don't have to like it.

Thank you very much Mr. the_lock_man!
Indeed.  You are a good man, sir.  
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I will also add to any future spammers...  

The lock man may be gone, but the door ain't open.
aww sad to read that. The Lock Man has been a mod since I first joined and has helped me on many occasions. I have much respect for the work you guys do. I wish you all the very best Mr Lock Man :D
Thanks lock man for all the advice you've given us :) and have fun with all that free time you'll now have.
Ah, TLM is sadly leaving the moderator position but hopefully he will pop back in now and again when he has free time to give us a dose of his humour and indeed impart with some of his good knowledge of this hobby.
Good luck TLM :good:
Thanks TLM :) Hope you're doing well!

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