The Truth about Tiger Barbs and why you should NOT buy aquarium or farm grown.

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Be wary of your tank size if you want a rainbow shark. They need at least a 4 foot by 1 foot by 1 foot footprint so be careful with a rainbow shark if you decide on getting one.
Rainbow sharks grow about 6inch so a 3ft tank would be plenty really depending on other stock
It wasn't a fact known by me, but lesson learnt and the barbs have now all been returned.
I love angel fish but have been warned off because of the size they can grow to. I had 2 once, and they thrived and were so graceful and curious. They would recognise me, they never bothered my other fish (mollies and swordtails) and I could watch them for ages.
All you need to do is upgrade to a 60 gallon and you could have your angel dream come true lol.
Rainbow sharks grow about 6inch so a 3ft tank would be plenty really depending on other stock
Huh, I seem to remember somebody on the forum saying rainbow sharks need a 4 foot long tank. I must be going crazy lol.
Oddly enough I have had 3 of these in my community tank (38 bowfront) for about 3 years with zero bought....

They mostly race and chase each other around the ship. Then they do the dip nap for a.while in a.shady spot, then race around, then just kinda hang out. I've never seen one of them nip a fin.

Perhaps some act this way, but, I'm not sure I would condemn an entire breed of anything simply because one or 2 people may have a differing opinion. This is how a lot of world.conflict happens....all-be-it we are discussing fish here.

I also won't put guppies in with me crazy but....
Huh, I seem to remember somebody on the forum saying rainbow sharks need a 4 foot long tank. I must be going crazy lol.
I’m just working off a 6x rule 6x6 is 36 ,3ft maybe need larger through aggression I don’t know lol
They would have killed every guppy..then off each other until one fat one was left.
I understand..I see vids all the time on youtube of the worst tankmates in those barbs and the posters had every kind of fish as tankmates. One was a 400 gallon of Angels and tiger barbs- young tigers and I did say to him,you know those Tigers are going to shred the Angels fins?
No answer meant that the barbs were used for the great photos they make.
Even Aquarium co-op tried 800 tigers in their 800 gallon. I told him they will soon be down to one super sized Tiger..
That tank lasted a few months.then all the barbs that were left were taken out.
Not all the great tanks you see on youtube- with lush aquatic plants are really true. Tigers,Discus,and Cardinals,Rummy noses...are just added because they look great. I would bet in a year none of those fish are still going.
I'm not sure I follow...

Rainbow sharks in a 4 foot tank? Psht....mine spends most of its time in one spot...lazy fish.

As for tiger barbs....I don't get where this "they'll eat everything and even each other" stuff. I musta got some well mannered tigers then. There are molly fry in the tank, and they don't even mess with those! They just hang out with each other.
Watch the video. He does point out some T.B.'s have normal DNA..but most of what's sold is just bat-s crazy aggressive. Fish farms,etc. cranking them out.
Its been that way since the 60's with vicious Tiger Barbs.
It wasn't a fact known by me, but lesson learnt and the barbs have now all been returned.

Google is your friend, it is so easy to research any fish these days.

Just about ready to filled my 75 gallon tank, I plan on getting ~20 Tiger barbs in it.
I have 8 tiger barbs in my 29 gallon tank. Roomates are 1 Bolivian ram and 1 BN Pleco. The ram and the barbs often school together...never any nipping between the barbs and ram but occasionally I will see a barb nip or chase another barb...but generally they all get along. Very active fish.
I just gave up taking a chance. The video did say...his are fine. But as an expert he says common Tiger Barbs are really not good for any tank. He says it. Why I posted the vid..he explains what went wrong with them.
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That KING guy put out a vid on peaceful Tiger Barbs. Even with Angelfish. IN HIS 2,000G TANK!
First,why when you have an Amazon tank with Uarus, Severums, and you put in Tiger barbs?
Second,I thinketh he spoketh too soon Shakespeare.
When those Tigers get a bit too hungry or angry those Angels are targeted.
2,000 gallons will change behavior for many,many, fish. Angels and Tiger Barbs? We will see.
Tiger Barbs are not aggressive fish. Never have been. There’s only ever two reasons why Tiger Barbs become aggressive. Not enough of them, and not enough space.

Ive had them a few times over the years, and I can recommend them as IDEAL community fish. Put 20 in a 6ft tank and you get a peaceful, playful group that keeps itself to itself. They never bother other fish and never stop moving.

They need space. They’re very active, like a group of kids running round. If they don’t have the space... if other fish are too close theyre in the way, so they’ll get nipped and chased.
They’re also very social, with a pecking order, so too few also leads to aggression, which will spill over towards other fish.

Kept properly, say 10 or 20 (or more) in a big tank, Tiger Barbs are excellent community fish. If you don’t believe, try it and see. :)
I tried them in large groups. They soon whittled themselves down to a small group. I think their demeanor was why Co-Op stopped keeping them by the hundreds in a 800 gallon tank. It's also why I posted the "Barb expert" Video of how modern Tiger Barbs are about the worst fish to keep..period.
Maybe you keep your tank at a lower temperature? Who knows?,but the exception to the rule is TB are good community tank fish. No doubt!
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