The Fox Chase Gang


Fish Fanatic
Jan 22, 2022
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Springtown TX

Terra, Garret, Sparkie, Melissa and Trouble

This is Tally (5 days old) and Nemo (15 yrs)
Nemo had suffered from canine cognitive dysfunction for 18 mo and had stopped showing interest in most everything except food. He would constantly walk during his waking hours. When I showed him baby Tally, he sniffed and licked her - his eyes came alive and for a while I saw his wonderful personality that I missed so much. Nemo always loved baby puppies. He was my heart dog. My sweet boy passed Feb '20 - days short of his 18th birthday.
Love these....but I'm a dog nut, so....
Thanks! I'm definitely a dog nut and love horses too! Haven't owned horses in many years 🙁
And, a fellow Texan....gonna get cold up there, wintry mix next few days...not too bad down here, from what they are saying, though
And, a fellow Texan....gonna get cold up there, wintry mix next few days...not too bad down here, from what they are saying, though
Yes its going to be a challenge! We'll be in the teens for the next few nights. Rain starts this hour and will continue until it all freezes tonight. Then we're supposed get snow on top of the ice. ☹ Hoping no one has any falls.
You must be south of San Antonio?
Yes its going to be a challenge! We'll be in the teens for the next few nights. Rain starts this hour and will continue until it all freezes tonight. Then we're supposed get snow on top of the ice. ☹ Hoping no one has any falls.
You must be south of San Antonio?
Hopefully, you won't need to get out on the roads...yeah, I'm well south and east of SA, near Beaumont
Hopefully, you won't need to get out on the roads...yeah, I'm well south and east of SA, near Beaumont
We'll be staying home. Hubby bought a generator, last year we only had to deal with rolling black outs, so he wants to be prepared 😊
That's a pretty area, Beaumont. I'd be happy to get half of your annual rain. Very dry here past 18 mo.
We'll be staying home. Hubby bought a generator, last year we only had to deal with rolling black outs, so he wants to be prepared 😊
That's a pretty area, Beaumont. I'd be happy to get half of your annual rain. Very dry here past 18 mo.
TOO much rain, much of the time, for my liking....and then there's the hurricanes :/...I'd rather deal with the cold, than those....

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