Tank Makeover - Amano Style- *complete*

Since I am now at the point of just getting into planted tanks, I enjoyed reading your progress. Thanks for sharing. :thumbs:
The Glosso hasn't grown as fully on the left hand side because there were stem plants planted there originally. In a few weeks it will no doubt be as full as the left side.

Glosso is easy to grow if you have the right environment for it to grow in. Over 2wpg and a nutrient rich substrate. It grows like a weed once its established.

I've been pulling huge clumps out of the left side to prevent it from overgrowing on itself.

Sorry but the tank is definately getting stripped down. 25KG of ocean rock is being shipped as we speak :D

I'm actually quite excited about the whole new area of fish keeping that im going to explore, cichlids. I'm hoping to make it look more like a marine setup than a typical cichlid setup though.

I respect your decision, and I hope you the best for your new journey in the cichlid world. What are you going to do with the fish in there..I'm sure you could just throw away the plants, but what about the fish?
I'll just trade the fish in and get some money off my new purchases. It'll be quite sad because some of the Harlequins and neons were the first fish i ever bought.:-(

This tank is so relaxing to look at, even on the web! After such hard work, it really is a shame to tear it down, and your poor fish! To be relegated back to the LFS after such a nice home they have now!

I think you should just buy a new tank and start fresh with that! Cichlids give a different type of enjoyment, and like having two dogs each of your tanks have their own singular personalities!

I already know your response, University is taking all of the money! I would try hard to get a second tank though. Just think, someone else can't possibly take as good care of your fish as you did!
what are you doing with all the glosso? If you were planning on throwing it out, would you be willing to mail some out if one paid for the postage? ;)


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