Synodontis robbianus


May 26, 2002
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I have a very nervous Synodontis Robbianus in with my predators lol, this may sound silly to you but...........

He is the largest fish in the tank at least double the size of everything else in there at the moment and he has plenty of cover but whenever anyone goes past the tank or does any maintainance or even feeding he races around the tank crashing into things and generally freaking out :what:

Does anyone else have a nervous Syno? and if so how do you calm them down?

BTW he's ina 5 foot tank at the moment :what:
:what:As you've had no replies this is maybe a long shot, but try adding a Syno. Gerihalliwellis, it has calmed down a Robbie before. ;) Mac.
Thanks least you can be bothered with me lol :p :laugh: :blush:

After further inspection i think he might be blind :eek: but im hopeing not :what:
LMAO ................ MACCCCCCCCCCCC!!!!!!!!!!!.......the pennies just dropped you tart!!!!!! lmfao

OK ok you got me lol :p :blush: :grumpy:
P'ete, just curoius.  Does he do this even if he's in a shelter?  I'm sure it's not the same, but my pleco usually ducks if he's out, and I walk by,  esp. if lid opens.  'Course he doesn't 'crash into things'---does your fish get hurt?  Closest I could find was like Mac said--more fish.  S.nigrivintis (sp.?) fares better in shoals, and with overhanging shelters to rest upside-down under.  Don't know how close that fish is to yours (other than appearance), and you prob. know all this, but that's my shot at it...   :what:
well i found out my guy is one of these and my feather fin syno ( syno eupterus or something cant remember cant spell latin names lol) like s to chase him around the tank. not very often but no damage down to him and he been in there years (hes about the 7 inch mark feather is little bit longer)

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