Suggestions For This Newbie, Please...


New Member
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
Hello all. I am 3 months down the track on my incursion to this very fascinating world of fishkeeping. Thank you to all for your invaluable advice that I have found through the forums. I have successfully performed a fishless cycle (thank goodness I found you before I committed the cardinal sin!!!), and so far so good, have only lost one poor unfortunate zebra danio that did not survive the stress of transport from LFS to home (only lasted 5 hours, while his 3 tankmates are growing happily). So far no dramas in my tank, numbers all good, temp stable, algae under control.

I am asking for the wisdom and experience of all, I seek some added colour for my tank.

I have 170L FW tank with:

3 zebra Danio
8 tiger barbs
2 small bristlenose plecs

Can anybody suggest what I can add for some colour???

Many thanks
Hello all. I am 3 months down the track on my incursion to this very fascinating world of fishkeeping. Thank you to all for your invaluable advice that I have found through the forums. I have successfully performed a fishless cycle (thank goodness I found you before I committed the cardinal sin!!!), and so far so good, have only lost one poor unfortunate zebra danio that did not survive the stress of transport from LFS to home (only lasted 5 hours, while his 3 tankmates are growing happily). So far no dramas in my tank, numbers all good, temp stable, algae under control.

I am asking for the wisdom and experience of all, I seek some added colour for my tank.

I have 170L FW tank with:

3 zebra Danio
8 tiger barbs
2 small bristlenose plecs

Can anybody suggest what I can add for some colour???

Many thanks
No suggestions yet?

Perhaps I am in the wrong thread...
Maybe some bright livebearers like platies or swordtails? Don't get guppies, your barbs would nip their tails. They come in loads of different bright colours, and are pretty hardy, which is good when you're starting out! :good:. Best to keep several females to each male.

The barbs would keep your populations under control too.
Many thanks for your suggestions. I love the look of the Colombian Tetras. Hope I can find them here, downunder!!!


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