Starting Up My First Real Aquarium. Need Lots Of Help/advice Please&#3


Mostly New Member
Aug 10, 2013
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So I have recently acquired the funds to start up my main aquarium I have been dreaming of. I want to have the perfect aquarium. I have dealt with a 10 gallon and a 5 gallon, but now it is time to upgrade and get serious about this. I do not have any restrictions except for a $600 budget. I was wondering could you guys give your opinion on what you would do and how you would set it up? I want an African Mbuna tank. What would be the best stocking list and any recommendations on filters/lights would be greatly appreciated. Also, should I go with that particular substrate for cichlids? I can't wait to see all the helpful replies I will hopefully get!
Hi, with the filtration you'll need lots to cope with having lots of fish because it is advisable to stock more fish than would usually be allowed to prevent them making teritories as this makes the fish much more aggressive. Mbunas like to dig in sand so if you have it they might topple rocks and make dips and mounds. I'm not really sure about the lighting but i doubt it matters too much as most Mbuna tanks don't have plants because the fish simply eat them all. There are loads and loads of websites all about this kind of thing so have a look aound too.
Good luck, Chris.
Sand is best for cichlids. As for filtration you need many powerheads to make the flow enough. Use slate or limestone for the hardscape. Be careful with mbuna though. They can get nasty
if you decide you are going with mbuna, substrate I use is coral sand with loads of hiding places and try to get your fish as fry so they get used to each other and you get to see them grow, everyone always say they are nasty but ive kept them for a good while and yes they chase each other but don't kill each other as I have them overcrowded, they do need powerful filters and lots of water changes but in my opinion the most entertaining fish as they dig holes and make the aquarium how they want! my g/f has never kept fish and she loves them equally now even giving them their own names and has let me get a 500 ltr tank! I hope this helps a little.

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