Songs To Run A Marathon With


Jun 16, 2007
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anywhere but here
hi i'm running the paris marathon in the weekend and i've been thinking about putting a new playlist while running. any recommendation?
really original but how about keep on running by spencer davis group?
runnaway , del shannon
anything by RUN dmc
and when you get knackered walk on by by dionne warwick :lol:
Whenever I am doing long term cardio (though never anything as serious as a marathon) I have adopted one of two strategies:

1) Get a load of short songs (so you can lose track of how many you have heard) that have a beat which will keep you running at the pace you want;

2) Get spoken word recordings. This is not massively intuitive, but I used to enjoy listening to the Radio 4 Friday comedy podcast and because you can get into a program it helps take the mind off of the monotony and extent of what you are doing. Maybe try an audio book you are interested in.

Ultimately, just see what works for you in your training runs. I have a very different playlist for when doing cardio to when I am doing heavy weights but I only really found this over time with experimenting.

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