Snail + betta


Fish Herder
Apr 18, 2005
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what kind of snail would be OK to keep with bettas? I am looking for a snail that doesn't reproduce CONSTANTLY (if I only got one would this be possible?) and won't get aggressive or hugely massive. Does such a perfect snail exhist?
I had a snail that literally ate some of my aquababies i had when I was little. I kept finding my fish with holes in the centers, dead. I caught my snail in the act, he would climb up the side of the bowl, jump off, land on a fish and eat it. I never heard of it before, and I have no idea what kind of snail it was.
I've had both types...Ramshorn and Mystery. They are non-aggressive. I usually keep them with Betta fry, to clean up after the fry. That should tell you how peaceful they are. I wouldn't trust them with my Betta fry unless they were completely non-aggressive.
I think some bettas, depending on personality, may bother, nip at or eat a snail.

Some good snails to keep:

Apple snails - pomacea caniculata (eats plants though and gets very big) and pomacea bridgesii (harmless to plants) These snails need a male and female to breed and lay eggs outside the water so population is easy to control. General rule, though, is 2.5 gallons per snail.

Marisa's/ Columbian ramshorns (eats plants)

Planorbid ramhorns (stay small compared to marisas)

*Ramhorns will multiply though.

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