Silver sharks


Fish Addict
Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
Australia, Wollongong
I can home from work today and my mum bought 2 of these for me (shes getting as bad as me! :kira: )
I was reading up about them and found out that they grow quite big.
How fast do they grow? :dunno:
It depends a lot on diet and water conditions but you can expect your sharks to be around 5 to 6 inches within a year, after that growth slows down but you can still expect a growth rate of around 2" a year, i have two 2 year old balas that are now around 8 to 9 inches each, they reach a eventual size of around 12 to 13 inches within 5 years or so and will need a tank of 100 gallons or more to be able to swim around comfortably.
I second CatFishCrazy on this one. I wanted balas before, but clown loaches are more...I don't know...Gooshier! :D Depends a lot on diet. Just feeding them flakes most of the time should slower the growth if thats what you are trying to do(and I think it is :sly: )

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