Silver shark catfish


Fish Gatherer
Aug 18, 2002
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whilst out browsing aquatics today , i found a new shop well
one i did'nt no about, 9 miles from were i live right in the
middle of a country lane. there it was . poor hubby was
looking pale whilst clutching his beloved wallet :p :p
seem to have this affect on him when i mention fish. :p
anyways i spotted a fish i've never seen before it was
called silver shark catfish they were beautifull fish , could'nt
get any as my tank is well stocked. does any one else keep these fish. hubby is'nt going to like this but i'm going to
after get another tank, shall have to throw out some
furniture to make room . i came out in the end with 2 lovely
new plants,

thanks slt. :thumbs: :music:
Shark Cats are a brackish fish and will quickly die in a normal tropical set-up :what: for years people thought these fish were just not suited to aquarium life but then it transpired that they were "brackish fish" and all is now well with them so long as they are housed appropriatly :D

If your gonna set up a new tank so you can have some of these lovely fish why not set up a brackish set up and add fish like Scats, Archer Fish and Mollies as these love brackish water too :D

You could even go for oddballs like the 4 eyed fish ;)

I would love to set up a brackish tank but unfortunatly im moving soon so its not a good idea to add another set up to my collection just yet lol :what: :laugh: :hehe: :blush:
Shark Cats, are they like Pangasius cats?
I have an article on them that I wrote from looking at their behaviour from my lfs. Jim's a great guy, I've spent so much greens with him I think I'm part of the furnishings. He lets me virtually do what I want in the shop now. He's a mine of info. regarding the fish he sells and he knows his stuff too. He own his shop and knows all his stock. He has about 500 tanks in store. 1/4 are reefs,1/4 are cold water and 1/2 are tropical freshwater. :thumbs:
hi pete & dragonslair.
thanks for that info, i'm going to get another tank soon,
that sounds good to me a brakish tank set up. as i'm
defenatly going have to get silver sharks, fallen in love
with them, :love: :D :D . dragonslair, dont no what
pangasius cat fish look like, they bear a resemblance to
my bala sharks same colour, only flater heads. when i get
a new tank, will definatly be asking all of you for info,
on setting one up.

thanks slt. :thumbs: :music:
No Shark Cats are not Pangasius but look similar in many ways to Pictus Cats (same sort of body shape size etc)

Pangasius are a very quirky fish that are far too nervous to be kept in an aquarium and should be left in the wild IMO as it saddens me to go to lfs's and see these fish with smashed up noses from collisons with the tank when startled :(

I have kept Pangasius Cats before (i had one at least 2 foot long) but i will not be keeping them again unless they are a desperate rehoming measure for someone who cannot provide large enough accomodation for them or a smilar circumstance as they tend to race around the tank and upset the other occupants :what:
Thanks pete for that. I wrote something very similar in the article about these not being suitable for the "normal" aquarium. I agree with you they are extremely skittish fish. ;)

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