Signature And Avatar Shop!

You do nice work, JohnRossDele. :D

THANKS! :lol: :good:
yeah, geez, you're good!

mate thanks, i made you this :D

NICCCCEEEEEEE!!!! thanks! its great! is there a link to get it into my sig? (sorry im not good with this kinda thing)
I don't think so, the OP was last active in May 2011.
tsk2 I wanted on but hey. I can make me own!
I'm still activeish, but I haven't touched photoshop in years. Looking back on all of these makes me wince, they're not great :S
I haven't had photoshop installed for a looooooooooong time, and really don't fancy it, I doubt I could produce anything I was happy enough with these days.
I might take another look at some point, but I'm a developer now, not a designer.

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