Shark's Remodeling Journal

I agree, try to get a nutrafin diffuser, or something similar. Before I went pressurized I diffused my co2 into the bottom of my filter, which worked well for me.
wait, so the little gizmoi JUST built is no good?

or are you talkibng about before that?
well what ever

i still have a huge problem with algue

so i remember reading about how if i keep my lights off the tank for 3 entire days it will kill all the algue

can i try this?
I am making stupid mistakes with my planted tank, too, and I share them so that people like Zig and gf225 can tell me what I'm doing wrong. You are lucky they posted in your thread. Zig was just trying to be helpful. If I were you I'd take his advice. He knows what he is talking about, and I'm sure was not meaning to offend you. It is important to be able to take suggestions without getting offended, otherwise, nobody will be able to offer you any helpful advice. Thats probably why noone responded to your comment. If you're just expecting people to say "Good job!", even when you could have done better, theres not much point in posting a journal.

So see if there is some other way you can diffuse your CO2 like Zig said. Even though I don't have any experience with CO2 I can see problems with your design. Probably what Zig said was right and your algae problems are coming from not enough CO2. I would be willing to bet that it is because you have that thing buried in the sand. The point of having a diffuser is to maximize the amount of surface area between the CO2 and the water, so that more of it enters the water before it reaches the surface. Since its buried in the sand, only the rising bubbles are coming in contact with the water column, so you might as well just be diffusing it with an airstone, which, from what I hear, is not very effective. A blackout is a bit extreme in this case, and unless you have BGA, it probably shouldn't be the first thing you should do, judging by the many many topics I have read here documenting the experience of others.
alright lol, sry if im coming off wrong

well alright ill try diffusing my c02 from the filter and ill tell you guys how that goes

and also im not sure what kind of algue i have but i know i have hair algue, that light green spotted algue from not enough phosphate and the brown bushy algue and also brown algue on my plant leaves

sooooooo yah lol, should i try cleaning it by hand or if i get the co2 right it will be fine?
Yeah, this is where my knowledge ends. Most people get ottos, but without them? I don't know. I know the GSA will have to be scraped off. I have that and I scrape it off my glass. It takes quite a while to come back in my tank. I use a credit card (not one that has been in my wallet forever), and it comes right off. If you have one of those fancy scraper things, those work, too. :)

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