There are 2 fish stores within 1 hours drive that usually carry seahorses.
I had 2 several years ago. I have a picture on my website
I had them live about 1 year. I did not take care of them the way I should have.
Not long ago I thought about getting some again, but they are hard work to keep. A lot of the farm raised seahorses will eat frozen mysis shrimp, which would make feeding them easier. I raised mollies in salt water and when the females would have there fry, I placed them in for my seahorses to eat.
I would suggest you read up on this forum and ask questions
I really think seahorses are neat, and would like to someday have them again, but with all my hobbies that I have, I do not have the time required to keep them now.
Good luck
Ive read up a lot on Seahouses and did have some but when i first started keeping them i didnt know as much about them as i know now but. Seahouses shouldnt be kept in a tank just for the fact of it cuts there life down so bad its pretty sad. Don't get me wrong but there are very interseting to look at and what not but you are taking most of there life away by putting them into a tank but that is all up to you if you want them. Just remember is the cost of having a seahorse worth cutting its life down. :(
exactly people seem to ignore the earilier post that your slowly killing them by keeping them in a tank
IMO no matter what fish you keep, you are shortening its life....aquariums arent natural homes.....but we all do it anyways, if you dont like it, dont buy them. Now, on to seahorses. Im no expert on saltwater aquariums, but i take care of a bunch of them where i work (a private fish shop...very nice) i do take care of the seahorses we get it. They are very picky and normally to get them to eat i put them in a smaller container with some mysis shrimp and live baby feeder guppies. That normally does the trick. After they have eaten in the smaller container (on that floats in the tank) then they normally will eat just fine in the tank. They really love it if you have those little bugs in the tank...anapods or somthing like taht. They will go grazing for those. You never ever ever put a seahorse in a tank that has not been well established for a year or more, and dont put it with any type of semi agressive fish...they do best by themselves or other slow fish. :thumbs:
Dragonscales said:
plecoguy said:
IMO no matter what fish you keep, you are shortening its life....aquariums arent natural homes.....but we all do it anyways, if you dont like it, dont buy them
how can your opinion be that aquariums shorten life spans it ios a fact or not, and fish can easilly live comfortably in a non-natural enviroment
Just think about it....WIDE OPEN OCEAN...or 55 gallon do the maths...its like putting you in a little cage...lets see how long that lasts. I keep fish, lots of them, im just simply saying that if you want to argue that keeping seahorses in an aquarium will shorten thier lives...then ill argue that about every fish there is!
it doesnt matter what you do, there are things that are so much different in everytank that will effect the fish. many nitrates are in the ocean? compared to a tank? Space...its not so a fish can run...its an issue of space for the fish to go, and water quality, its sooo easy to have somthing go wrong in a tank because its really not that much water. many fish never reach full size in aquariums because its not the ideal home.
a fish store i visited recently kept sea horses in a 10 gallon tank and after reading this forum i was so disgusted by the very cruel act :( that i won't ever go there again

Wild caught seahorses are notoriously difficult to sustain in the home aquarium - but farm-raised oceanic equines are easier to feed (most eat frozen food), they're more disease resistant and keeping them doesn't deplete endangered seahorse populations.

Seahorse experts such as Pete Giwojna suggest buying captive bred seahorse from breeders like Ocean Rider, Inc. Here is their web site:

Of course, research is always necessary when keeping aquarium fishes, but this link will take you to a page to tell you what you need to know to get started with seahorses!

Best Success!!!
I totally, 100% agree with you plecoguy, there has been plenty of documented studies into the fact that aquariums shorten the lifespan as well as size of pretty much anything. Regardless of which, people are gunna keep what they're gunna keep. I think the arguement needn't be should people keep seahorses, but what can people do to stop people keeping wild ones. My answer to that is what I've said elsewhere, more responsible people who can keep them in pristine conditions and who know what they are doing should keep seahorses, breed them and then undermine the sale of wild ones by selling them to lfs for cheaper than they could buy wild ones. Stop the wild selling market and you stop the plight of wild seahorses disappearing from the ocean. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind and hell, I know for a fact that I'd sleep better at night if we could only buy captivity bred animals of any kind. I know that's not possible because some animals just won't breed in captivity, but why not stop the ones that will being pulled out of their natural enviroment?
vantgE said:
were not keeping them with predaters so they don't need nor want that space to run too
Same could be said to undermine your own arguement though, what about species only seahorse tanks? There's no competition for food or predators in a species tank unless the species in question eats it's own, isn't fed enough or is territorial. As I said before, responsible keepers can only be a good thing for any species, fish or other.
plecoguy said:
Just think about it....WIDE OPEN OCEAN...or 55 gallon do the maths...its like putting you in a little cage...lets see how long that lasts. I keep fish, lots of them, im just simply saying that if you want to argue that keeping seahorses in an aquarium will shorten thier lives...then ill argue that about every fish there is!
whatabout clowfish they stay neer there 'area' rock or plant ect. maybe not swimming 10 feet away, so how is that a wide, open ocean?

i see your point, also i dont.

keeping a seehourse is a bad idea..
I've saw a lot of seahorses for sale in the uk,they don't tell you though when your buying them how difficult they are to keep.

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