schooling tetras

so right now i have

14 black phantom tetras
12 penguin tetras
and another
I would add a few more cories, just because they will always be better the more there are. Another 3 if the same species, or if another species you could add five or six of that species.

I would not add more upper fish, these two groups are going to be sufficient with angelfish. And I see now that you did not mention how many angelfish, I have assumed one...correct?
Tetras naturally occur in groups consisting of thousands of individuals so even 10 in an aquarium is an unnatural number and stresses the fish to some degree. 6 use to be the recommended number but they do better in larger groups. 20 or 30 fish will act naturally in an aquarium and not suffer as badly from stress.
I have 12 neons and they are a pleasure to watch. They seem quite active and happy.
i found these really cool yellow phantom tetras on wet spot
i was wondering if any of you guys have had them

Yellow/Four Eye Phantom Tetra
i was also wondering if i could get
silvertip tetras
pristilla tetras
head and tail light tetras
so far i am thinking of
6 bronze corydoras
12 penguin tetras
14 Yellow/Four Eye Phantom Tetra
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so im going to get
14 black phantom tetras
12 penguin tetras
12 broze corydoras

and i was wondering if i could get some
silvertip tetras
pristilla tetras
head and tail light tetras
with the others
so im going to get
14 black phantom tetras
12 penguin tetras
12 broze corydoras

and i was wondering if i could get some
silvertip tetras
pristilla tetras
head and tail light tetras
with the others

On the "bronze" cories, are these Corydoras aeneus or Corydoras splendens often seen under the name Brochis splendens? The latter are larger with an horizontally longer dorsal (see the photos attached). If C. aeneus, 12 is ideal; if C. splendens 7-8 might be preferable in this tank.

Silvertips I would leave out because they are a bit livelier (more active swimmers) and this is not a good match with sedate fish (angelfish especially).

Pristella and Head & Tail Light tetras are both nice fish, but given the tank space here I would not include more species than the two tetras plus cories. Angelfish get large, six inches body length with a vertical fin span of 8 inches, and depending the gender you may have issues down the road as it is.


  • Corydoras aeneus.jpg
    Corydoras aeneus.jpg
    44.1 KB · Views: 233
  • Corydoras [Brochis] splendens1.jpg
    Corydoras [Brochis] splendens1.jpg
    37.5 KB · Views: 178
i was wondering that istead of corys i could get 6-12 khuli loaches
i was wondering that istead of corys i could get 6-12 khuli loaches

You could, but I would not recommend kuhlii here. With the other fish, cories will be out and about much more than kuhliis which are rather more nocturnal.

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