Sarabarton76 - May 2021 Tank of the Month Winner!


TFF Contest Czar
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
Northeastern USA
We have a winner in
May 2021 Tank
of the Month Contest
We had 7 awesome tanks entered in this month's TOTM contest featuring tanks sized 31 gallons and larger, but only one could win...

And the winner is.......
Let's all congratulate her
Here's the winning tank and its description
Here's my 200l/ 55g jewel Lido. It's 70 x 60 x 50 cm and has a large piece of driftwood taking out some capacity in the middle.
Set up in February. Parameters ammonia 0, nitrates 0, nitrites 0-2.5. PH 7.5

I use the internal jewel filter and lighting but have added an All Pond Solutions 1000l EF - I wanted to overfilter for my impending fry issue and I'm not brave enough to take the internal out.

I also added a small airstone as I think the depth risks issues with oxygenation, but at a lower flow than this size of tank would reccomend.

Plants include elodea, amazon sword, some cryptocoryne, althernantha, a couple of types of hygrophila, java fern and a little salvinia on the surface (which survives rather than thrives).

Understocked at the moment - 2 adult female mollies, 6 x 8 week old fry and about 8 x 4 week old fry. The boys were evicted a few weeks ago to control fry and I'm waiting to be able to identify the sex of the fry. No plans to expand until I know we wont have babies every 2 weeks.

I was using the aquascaper complete - probably not as reliably as I should. Noticed pale plants and some holes in leaves, so switched to seachem flourish a couple of weeks ago and the plants are much happier. Thus may represent me doing a better job rather than fert effectiveness.

Plant wise I'm still learning. The fish like to nibble through the stalks of some, I just replant the floating tops in one of the tanks so the aquascaping is very accidental. Micorcanthenum has not survived my tender touch ha ha!

I do a 20- 40% water change a week depending on time. I've just got confident enough to test only once or twice a week after doing alternate days for a while to make sure I didn't mess anything up. Glass cleaned by my 5 year old so probably variable in standard!

I feed twice a day, I suspect I'm overfeeding but when I feed less more plants get eaten so its a balance I am learning. I use tetra micro granules, plec spiralina wafers, tetrapro algae, frozen bloodworm, and fresh veggies 3-5 x week as available so I mix the variety up.

No big changes planned. I'm just getting used to running the big tank, and waiting on properly segregating boys and girls. Once I feel like I've learned my craft I may consider adding other types of fish.

We are enjoying being learners right now, can't believe how much the plants have changed already!

EDIT: Ive been reading tank cleaning thread, Upping water changes to 40% twice a week ......
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Congrats to @sarabarton76 with your very nicely planted Jewel Lido 55 gallon tank. Great job and well deserved win!

Coming in 2nd place is @OliveFish05 with her awesome 55 gallon beautiful 55 gallon tank. It is a work in progress and has huge potential. Be sure to enter it in a future contest.

Finishing in third place is @FishNturt808 with his imaginative 55 gallon shrimp tank with a working "waterfall." Nice job, FishNturt808!

If you didn't enter into the contest or you didn't win, be sure to enter a future contest and show us your tank's progress.

Remember: it's not whether you win or lose that is important - what's important is that you enter and participate in our contests.

Right now, our Pet of the Month contest is running. There are just 4 opening left, so if you have a pet besides fish, enter soon!
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Hi guys, thanks very much for all the nice words. I'm sorry I didn't manage to say thanks in a timely manner, very soon after the competition ended we went on vacation and as a newbie I was pretty frightened about what I would come home to!

Pleased to report that by following advice I found on here all is well. The tank held up pretty well, the girls only ate some of the plants....

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