San Diego Tropical Fish Society, Sept 12


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Aug 23, 2004
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12th at 6:30 PM. We have a special guest speaker who will be giving a presentation on the freshwater fish in the Cenotes of Mexico. I have seen his presentation before and it is very good! We will also be having a fish, plants, and gently used aquarium items auction, a mini fish show (this month is Goldfish and Odd Livebearers)and a large raffle table full of prizes. The meeting is free to attend, please come join us. It is held in room 101 of the Casa del Prado in Balboa Park, San Diego (Right next to the San Diego Zoo). Auction starts at 6:30 sharp :) For more information or a map to the meeting, please email me at [email protected] or call our info line at (619)281-3474 See you there!!!
Our website is:
JapaneseShiba said:
Sounds interesting! I only live 45 minutes away from San Diego!!!

Perhaps I would be able to go!!!
You certainly should try to make it if you can! It is really fun, and great if you are into tropical fish. There is an auction that starts promptly at 6:30 PM, this is all fish, live plants, tanks, etc. brought it by members. Anyone can bid and buy and you will find fish there you never see in fish stores. Lots of show guppies, bettas, really nice angelfish, central and south american cichlids, killifish,lots of corydoras catfish, plecos, etc. Even things like live food cultures. Tons of nice live plants, snails too!
Then Brian Downing will be giving a slide show presentation on all the cool cichlids and livebearers he found while scuba diving in the Cenotes of the Yucatan. Brian is also bringing fish for the auction :) We have a mini fish show every meeting (this meeting is Goldfish and Odd Livebearers in pairs) winners get free tickets for the big raffle at the end of the night. The raffle table is filled with prizes. Usually a fish tank or two, filters, food, fish, plants, live foods, etc! Tickets are only 25c and everyone always wins, often several times.
If you have never been to a local fish club, this is THE ONE to check out. It has been going in San Diego since the 1940's! Lots of young people in the club and children are most welcome too! Free to attend!
Email me for more info, map, etc at [email protected], or call the info line at 619-281-3474 or see the website at

Meetings is held in room 101 of the Casa del Prado in Balboa Park (Right next to the Zoo) Tons of parking, easy to find. Starts at 6:30 PM on Sept 12th, (Sunday)
Also, meetings are always the second Sunday of every month, Rain or shine, same place, same time :)
See you there! Dress is casual, the people are really friendly, you will have fun!

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