Sad Day For Acf!

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Fish Fanatic
Dec 27, 2008
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so after work today i went out to one of the fish stores i get food for my softshell from (never bought fish here) but they always carry oddball feeders in bulk (today was ghost shrimp very cheap) well as i did my rounds of the fish i was pleased to see they finally updated there turtle tank and gave them alot more room still not enought but better then ive seen other places...

anyways after examining the turtles i turn around and my happiness turns to horror!!! there was albino acf died pink and green... i honestly couldnt believe it... this shop is usually very good about the care and condition of there animals... and i was in shock that they would even carry such sad things....


this picture does the colors no justice they look washed out but in reality they were very deep with color....

i still cant beleive it... i didnt even pick up shimp i just left... poor little forggies...

Jenste: do you know harm this will cause in the long term???? im not sure its as harmful as injecting fish with die... but i know its still a terrible practice and that people need to be ashamed of themselves for things like this....
Could be a new colour morph.... That is not a true albino it doesn't have the reddy/orange eyes and how pink are we talking? The Green ones could be a colour morph due to selective breeding as ACF naturally have a dark green - grey colouration it just takes selecting the lightest green colouration frogs and pushing that gene.
This is not a color morph at all - - these are sometimes called "Tutti Frutti" frogs - -

they are dyed. :sick:

it is an absolutely awful process and it really damages their immune system - -

plus, the color fades as they age!!! their might be a slight discoloration in a tiny spot or two, but the frog will end up being albino once again.

And there are actually a few "varieties" of albino in ACF - -there is common which is white with pink eyes, leucistic which is white with blue/purple eyes, and reticulated which is white with spotting in creamy/yellow tones and blue/purple eyes.

And Saltynay, i am sorry but ACF are not green like that - - the green is mostly a faintish gray that is around the marbling. There are no shades even remotely resembling the green in the picture. Also, pink is not a natural color for frogs so no amount of selective breeding would produce that color.

This is definitely just another example of dying....I have seen it in so many shops now it disgusts me.
The pink colour morph is sometimes done by choosing leucistic animals with slight haemorrhaging within the capillaries under the skin resulting when covered with white skin in an overall pink colouration hence why I am curious as to how bright a pink we are talking. If someone was to dye an animal pink I would suspect they would get the brightest pink they could find to make sure a particularly strong colouration is formed.

Whilst the green in the picture is very odd as you can see from the ACF laying on top of the normal colouration ACF in the corner. With selective breeding I think a green colouration frog without mottling would be possible. Its just how green would that green frog be that is the undetermined factor.

I sway with you both that they are most likely dyed animals but then it brings into question why would the LFS sell dyed animals.

Try talking to the owner of the LFS specifically on the matter and perhaps offering him ways that standard ACF's can be made more fun, rather then outright bashing (although I respect the fact you didn't name the store OP) the store for selling what makes money.

Perhaps rlhirth if you setup a breeding program and gave some of your stock to the local store at trade in they would appreciate your concern more. You have to give people a reason to change not just tell them to because its against your morals.

I had a bit of sway in my LFS's back in my area of the UK because I provided them with live food, Endlers/guppys, 2 types of kuhli loaches, Assassin snails, RCS, CRS and several varieties of goldfish for minimal cost. By using me as a local supplier they could promote themselves as being eco or having higher quality, whatever spin their marketing wanted. Out of the arrangement I got to be friends with the owner and talk to him frankly about how he can improve the quality of life of the animals in his store and marketing methods that would make it advantageous for him to do so and the free fish/equipment etc.

I will not become a vegetarian because no-one has come to me with a solid argument as to why I must become a vegetarian that brings advantages to me personally, all I have ever heard is why I should be a vegetarian e.g. livestock CO2 causes global warming, I will live longer (who cares if your 110 and you get 5 more years its probably 5 more years bed ridden), what gives me a benefit right this second that outweighs the challenges of becoming a dedicated vege?
Well that's the thing saltynay they have always cared the normal albinos (which ones not sure) along with normal acf that's why I really didn't under stand it the dyed ones with like 10 tanks away from the non-dyed

They also know that I know alot about fish and fish keeping I have helped then out alot with sexing fish and things like that and if I go all the way out to this store I always pick up food for my softshell there and when I didn't they knew something was up! I just didn't know what to even say to them at that point I was so mad and I really didn't want to yell that wouldn't solve anything! So I just left to collect and actually relieve steam here first!

Sorry for using everyone here for venting but my boyfriend doesn't understand me and fish! He thinks in a little crazy! You should see when he "tries" helping with water changes he thinks its gross I have to touch the water lmao
Sounds like a real mans man you have there lol! No worries for venting just make sure when you go back to them have a constructive argument as to why the dyed frogs are not worth the suffering and how changing it will give them a near instant reward.

Perhaps they want to increase their amphib offerings but are not sure in which way so offer up axolotls or indonesian floating frogs. If they are looking for something cool that is easy to keep try the paradise fish angle.
Thanks for the ideas I don't carry any aqaudic amps except the dcf and acf so maybe that will help

Haha with the boyfriend he says the pets are mine! My softshell, fish, and hairless dog! He'll help out if I ask (doing the heavy lifting) and if I ask him to feed something but other than that he has no clue lmao but I love him

Thanks again!
You have a hairless dog..... rushes to google image search...... Wow didn't know they existed , my first thought was you meant an oscar given they have many of mans best friends traits.

Which softshell do you have? I am thinking of getting a chinese pug nose in the future.
You have a hairless dog..... rushes to google image search...... Wow didn't know they existed , my first thought was you meant an oscar given they have many of mans best friends traits.

Which softshell do you have? I am thinking of getting a chinese pug nose in the future.

Haha ya I have a male chinese crested! His names Onyx! He's all naked! Lol ill post a picture of him after I turn the computer on (phone let's to fight with me when posting pictures)

I also have a male florida softshell! He has a shell length of about 11 inches now! Had him sence he was a hatchling and he's about 8 years old now! Got the pig nose and everything his names Phent! Ill put a picture of phent up too just for you!
You do realise that chinese crested have won the award for the worlds ugliest dog.... Not my opinion just a bbc article that popped up when I googled it. I want a pair of french bullmastiffs hard to find good breeds in a country where they eat dogs though.

I will have to check on them pics in the morning I am being told to go to bed by my GF and its not worth pissing her off.
not sure how we got so off topic but...

thats what my mom said when i told her i was getting Onyx! he doesnt have the tongue hanging out because of missing teeth and he has really good skin so i dont think hes TOO ugly! and oh yah a boxer won uglies dog last year SO..... lol its not just the cresteds

lol here is onyx!

and have to add

if ya cant read his shirt it says "I get my good looks from my dad"

dont count him out cuz of his size! he can run with the big boys!!!


the shepard and the boxer are the neighbors dogs they love to play!!!!

and heres Phent!

Body shot!

and heres Phent when he was a little younger!

not sure why but i cant find any pictures of phent when he was a hatchling!!!
ill have to look around for them...
not sure how we got so off topic but...

thats what my mom said when i told her i was getting Onyx! he doesnt have the tongue hanging out because of missing teeth and he has really good skin so i dont think hes TOO ugly! and oh yah a boxer won uglies dog last year SO..... lol its not just the cresteds

lol here is onyx!

and have to add

if ya cant read his shirt it says "I get my good looks from my dad"

dont count him out cuz of his size! he can run with the big boys!!!


the shepard and the boxer are the neighbors dogs they love to play!!!!

and heres Phent!

Body shot!

and heres Phent when he was a little younger!

not sure why but i cant find any pictures of phent when he was a hatchling!!!
ill have to look around for them...

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