Royal Whiptail Plecos

Sturisoma aureum should be kept in groups in a large aquarium with plenty of driftwood and tall plants. Efficient filtration is required to keep good, clean water conditions which they demand. They grow to around 12" and males can be distinguished when larger by bristles on their checks.
Hmm, a pair of royal whiptails would be nice, thanks for that.

Royal whiptails, compatible with Apistogramma Cacatouides?


ahh wasn't thinking, tired, accidental necro, thought this was my thread.. DERP!!! Sorry.
I've got one and she's one my favourite fish (though I think mine might be S. festivum) I'd love to get some more but my LFS hardly ever seems to have them :(

Good filtration, plenty of water changes and a varied diet and they should do very well, if your tank's big enough. Mine lives with tetras, BNs, hatchets, rams and an angel and she's fine with them all. She does 'elbow' the ram out of the way sometimes, but the ram is oddly obsessed with her and tends to follow her around all the time :crazy:
my mate has a pair of royal whiptails, and they are stunning, amazing fish. they really do react to very well maintained water. his tank was overfiltered on one filter he had, and they looked nice. because he works away and cant trust his missus despite her best efforts, he brought a second filter and the whiptails really responded to it.
I have six babies which are coming on really quickly, hope to get a pair in the future to breed them, theres a guy in southport selling his young for £3 each which is where I got mine

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