Rescape suggestion


New Member
Jul 1, 2023
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I think ima rescape it like this
Black - Substrate
Brown - Wood piece
Orange - Dragon stone
Top left - Big (Hopefully) pearlweed "wall"
Beside that - Lobelia cardinalis
And at the bottom - Hygrophila polyserma
Might also use old plants (Most of it is kinda dead cause i wasnt home for a month and the nitrates went to 0, housekeeper didnt add ferts and things...)

Its a top down view


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I thought of smth like this. A dragon stone "wall", wood and as plants, Rotala Rotundifolia, Myriophyllum Pinnatum at the background and Hydrocotyle Tripartita 'Japan' as a carpet. what do you think? (36 cm cube)
Might also use bacopa monnieri from the old scape.

Its an old photo of my tank.... i wasnt home for a month and parents forgot to add fertilizer and stuff like that. Now most of the plant are dying / dead. How can i rescape it. NOTE : it has in the middle 5 dragon stones Probably will save some small rotala that survived and bacopa which seem to didnt even care about it, it thrived. same with cryptocoryne amicorum, it died but now its coming back.

And i want to rescape it like this


And i want to do with Rotala Rotundofolia, Myriophyllum Pinnatum, and Hydrocotyle Tripartita ‘Japan’
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Looks like a good plan to me. I've never kept H. tripartita before, so I'll be interested to see how it does. Is this a plant-only tank, or are there fish in there? I ask because I don't fertilize most of my tanks; the fish food takes care of that for me.

Dragon stone is cool-looking stuff. I would attach some Java fern to it, but maybe that's just me.
Looks like a good plan to me. I've never kept H. tripartita before, so I'll be interested to see how it does. Is this a plant-only tank, or are there fish in there? I ask because I don't fertilize most of my tanks; the fish food takes care of that for me.

Dragon stone is cool-looking stuff. I would attach some Java fern to it, but maybe that's just me.
There are fish in there. you think the dragon stone wall is odd?
what three plants do you recommend?
I have a 35 cm cube and damn plants are expensive.
I want some fast growers so i chose |
Rotala Rotundofolia - (background)
HC Tripartita Japan - (as a carpet)
Myriophyllum Pinnatum Or Cabomba Aquatica (Background too)

I had a tank but when i was away for a month housekeeper didnt do things he supposed to so most of plants died.

will also use current plants for midground probably.
Crypt Umicorom
(The crypt melted but now its coming back)

An old photo of the tank.
In the middle - 5 dragon stone.

Any ideas for rescape too?
Thoughts on this?
Tripartita as carpet
Rotala rotundofila Back
"Parrot Feather" right back
Bacopa in the middle
Also crypt umicorum in the midground
Rotala is a great choice for either back corner. If you want color mix, there are very red varieties and much greener. Parrot feather is up to you. It just requires a fair bit of pruning to keep it in check (nice texture though). I would try and balance the symmetry with a wider shorter finished height on one side and a taller narrower clump on the right. Think kidney bean and round. Don't be afraid to chop up your source plant to get it spread around. 3" cuttings are plenty to get things going.

Also, consider something low and tuft-like around the very base of the rock to soften the edges. Maybe three clumps of Crypt. parva. or something like that. It's slow, but very controlled, but a single TC cup would get you those clumps nicely.

Tons more options than mentioned, but you will find something that fits. Keep us posted.

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