Raphael Catfish

New Boy

Fish Crazy
May 14, 2003
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London, England
I've got two white spotted talking catfish that I've had for nearly a year and when I brought them I read up a little and knew that they were fairly nocturnal and that you should feed them catfish pellets and they would grow to about 4 inches etc.

Now I've read a few sites on the internet that reckons that they will hunt down and kill small fish (small tetras or barbs), are very often fin nippers (lots of my fish have nipped fins but you'll see from my sig that they're all pretty aggressive within their little groups anyway), and that they grow to 15-20 inches!!

Anyone know whether my initial research was correct or these latest revelations??

Never heard of them being fin nippers (and i have had 3 for about 4 years now) and the maximum growth for a spotted (Agamyxis pectinifrons) is around 6 to 7".
When larger they will eat smaller fish like tetras and guppies (like all catfish with prehaps the exception of corys will do). All in all they are a relatively peaceful species that keep themselves to themselves, make great additions to a clean up crew for larger messier fish like cichlids and medium sized predatory catfish.

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