Question About Changing Water!?


New Member
May 31, 2012
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when you change 10-15% of water for your tank, do you add water conditioner into the new water that you want to pour in . OR After you pour new water into the tank first, then add water conditioner into the tank!??
I'm thrifty, so I add the dechlor into the new water before adding it to the tank
I add mine to the water I put in, but if you add enough dechlorinator to treat the whole tank after you add water but before you turn the filter on I can't imagine it's going to do anything bad.
I use a 5 gallon bucket to refill so I just add the proper amount to the bucket as it's filling. I use aquasafe and it has the measuring thing indented in the top of the cap. Half is for 10 gallons so I usually do about a quarter of the top for each bucket. Too much is better than not enough I always say......
I always add dechlor to the bucket also ... Works out much cheaper!!! I wouldnt worry about over-dosing with dechlor either as some people double dose to counter water additions by ttheir local water board so you would seriously have to OD on dechlor before it becomes harmful to your fish, thats what i was told on here from experienced fishies!!!
If I hold water for top ups from evaporation I just leave some sit in a container overnight. Chlorine evaporates itself over time.
normally i just dose whole tank and fill it with a hose. with the filter off of course (cuz im cautious like that :blush: )

does it make a different if filter is on or off though? ive left it on by mistake a couple of times by accident though
Iveeft my filter running when emptying mine & got water everywhere!!! Hence, filter off for me!! Lol.
you should do it before! it may not make that large of a difference but you may forget sometimes too! i use a 5 gallon bucket and marked out each gallon so i know haw much to take out/put back in. i think it works very well plus you know how much contiditioner to put in (ex put 3 gallons in, add 15 drops in the bucket). it will be accurate plus it saves money.

make sure though you buy a bucket from home depot or lowes only. you need a food safe bucket with no chemicals, and then do a 10% bleach solution and let it soak for a while. then rince it out with hot water for a while until the bleach smell is gone. have fun :good:
I add mine to the water I put in, but if you add enough dechlorinator to treat the whole tank after you add water but before you turn the filter on I can't imagine it's going to do anything bad.
I would say, from a noobish stand point this is good.

I add to the buckets + .1ml each ( if a cap treats 50 gal and is 5ml then .1ml per gallon that would be .5ml per 5 gallon bucket, I add .6 to accommodate any error of air in syringe etc)

I perssonaly would never add water straight from the hose for fear of damaging my bacteria or fish but I see the logic, if you do, to add a full tank worth of treatment prior to sticking the hose in... (this creates the additional temperature stress and is another question altogether but just as important)

pre treated water will be ready/safe b4 it ever reaches the tank, post treated carries a risk, however small it may be.
If I hold water for top ups from evaporation I just leave some sit in a container overnight. Chlorine evaporates itself over time.
This wont work if an individuals water companies uses chloramine and would be better to err on the side of caution unless the aditives can be truly identified.
Use good quality conditioner!!!!
You'd be surprised at the number of folks who don't use water conditioner with tap water, a bit of the science behind it can be found here.
You'd be surprised at the number of folks who don't use water conditioner with tap water, a bit of the science behind it can be found here.
Not to be , well extremely confrontational with a MOD but...
Can you direct the way forward in detail to the situation of each water supplied or should an individual be required to understand what is in the water from the particular tap without any in depth research?
This is viable in extremely specific circumstantial conditions and in no way recommended to the average keeper.
USE conditioner unless you fully understand your particular parameters and are willing to risk the health of your tank.

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