Pseudoepiplatys Annulatus

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Fish Crazy
Feb 28, 2006
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South Lanarkshire, Scotland
Evening ladies and Gents, I've done a fair bit of reading but I'm just after a few pointers as a killifish spawning newbie. I keep 4 males and 6 females in a 25L tank with plenty of frogbit and java fern.

First off, just wondering if anyone can point me in the direction of some colour photos of the various strains of P. Annulatus. I know a webpage exists which would clear this up; I was looking at it last week. How I wish I'd bookmarked. This is out of curiosity than any real need.

I'm taking a guess that the fish I have will be a few generations down from wild caughts so I haven't bothered lowering the pH as my water sits around 6.8/7. Would it be a good idea to start peat filtration anyway, try get the pH a bit lower or is pH not an issue (I've still to measure GH)? I do a 50% water change every 4 or 5 days and do a 'rainfall' simulation around once a week.

As for diet, I offer 3-4 small feedings a day alfternating between sera microgran granules; freeze dried blood worm; frozen copepods; microworms. I don't know much about nutritional values of each food so I'm really trying to cover all bases here. Does this sound adequate to get them into breeding condition?

Sound like I'm on the right track? Any suggestions welcome!

Hi Mark,
Bred these on many occasions (Guinee and Monrovia strains)
Try Tim Addis site for some
There used ti be a guy called Vasco Gomez who had a difinitive catalogue of his own personal pics but I cannot get to his site with the address I have.
Cant find it off hand will have to search, It's a real shame because his site was excellent.
If you do happen to find the site before me please let me know.

They will do best on grindalworm, small whiteworm, brineshrimp nauplli and fruitfly. I used rainwater and tap mixed in ratio 2/3 - 1/3 tap. Came out round about pH6 or just slightly under and fairly soft, Temperature was around 75'f (space heated shed) I used Java moss and salvinia and I did not collect the eggs, just fished fry out as and when, They were prolific and I had a shed full of them at one stage. males can get a bit quarrelsome so provide a lot of females to quell this.
If you need anymore info then just ask.
Thanks a million bigC. Thats the very site I was looking at a few days ago. I've had a look for that other site and can't find anything. has older versions of the however none of the pictures are archived.

Thanks for the other information, I'll get onto lowering the pH once shops are open on wednesday. Peat is probably the most straightforward way for me just now. Do you still sell live foods? I noticed that thread hasn't been updated in a wee while.
Sorry mate,in regards to the livefoods due to the death of my father, I sort of let them go a bit and only have enough to be self sufficient at present but I'll give you the name. addresses and a couple of Url's if you like.
I have moved house recently and I have now purchased a small 36 gallon per day RO system as the rainwater here is not good at all as we have a factory about a mile away and its very rural with farmers sprading etc. The water at the tap here is very hard and no good whatsoever for breeding killifish.
The RO unit was only cheap and comes with everything you need. (see page 3 of my nano reef post) only cost around £40 from RO-MAN. You may wish to consider this route either now or in the future.
Sadly I cannot find the Vasco Gomez site at the moment either so I will have to contact a few enthusiasts on the mainland, At a guess I would say he was having problems with people using his photos without permission, which if that is the case is a loss for the rest of us. I have a lot of books and the one's I use the most for reference ar the Aqualog series (3 books on killifish) 2 volumes on the Old World (Africa,Asia & Europe) and 1 hardback version on the NEW World (South Americas etc). Pricey but as a collector of books...invaluable.
If you need any more help then just ask.
My friend has tank loads of Ps. annulatus (or at least he did have last time I visited)
Thanks for all that bigC, very much appreciated. I've actually got a 50GPD RO unit that I use for my 30G reef tank. The problem is that I live with my parents so plumping it wasn't an option and it gets in the way when its set up so I try to set it up once a month for a day at the most. The water round is quite soft and the pH drops to around 6 if the water is left out for a few weeks so I have a few options there anyway. The aqualog books are indeed fantastic, I've got the 'latest apistogramma' one which cost me under a tenner, as you say, the killifish one's look quite pricey but might be worth investing in them if I get decide to have a go at keeping a few other killis.

If you could post or PM those links for live food that would be ideal. I've found a few places but if you know of somewhere reliable then I might as well go with them.

Hi Mark,
Ive used this guy before
Also Tim sells a few fry foods on his Aquaculture site
But for the best Whiteworm and Grindalworm I've ever seen then John Rundle is your man.
I'll have to look up his address in Killi-News for you so I'll get back later.
I also have Factsheets that I sent out with my cultures, so if you would like me to email you with a copy of each then PM me with your address as I dont think you can send attachments on here.
Hi if you find some eggs of the above I'd be very interested as I now have some tank space, love to try them myself.

As for grindal and micro worm cultures got some on the go so can post if you want, pm me if you are interested.

Live in Manchester area.
Can get you fish if you want.
Yeah John's the man for Whiteworm. In all my years I have never seen whiteworm like his. I used to order starter from him many moons ago and still havent been able to replicate my set up to produce worms like that. A word on media I've found a new media that give much greater results thanjust soil/peat/lime based types. B&Q sell it in their garden/pond section it's called Aquatic plant soil or something to that effect, nice and cheap and yields good results.
The Factsheets are pinned above in this section.
Do you need John's contact details?
Hi BigC, I've just had a read through the pinned stuff, all makes sense. Thanks for that. The soil you mention; I think I've used in my lowtech planted tank so I've got some handy, which is handy. I'm going to be ordering grindalworms from so I'll see how I get on with their whiteworms while I'm at it, might get in touch with John later down the line to see the difference.

Oh, while you seem quite happy to share your wealth of information I might as well ask you, could you point me in the direction of some female P. Annulatus? I've had a bit of a nitrate spike, possibly due to the die back from acclimatising frogbit and I'm guessing thats to blame for the loss of 3 females overnight. I still have a few but the male/female ratio is out now, I've upped the water changes, cut back the frogbit and began gradually lowering the pH with peat extract so hopefully won't experience any more losses.

Hi Mark,
It's a bit too cold what with the snow and frost of late to be mailing fish, but I have a friend over here who has loads (well I hope he has some left). I'll PM you this evening with his details. He maybe a bit hard to catch on the phone but keep trying. He's a good personal friend and he should be able to accomodate you. He will obviously ask a price, postage etc.(shouldn't be too dear and ask for heatpacks) But hey any transaction is between you and him.
As I say I'll PM you later with the details.
Cheers bigC. I don't know how we'll get on if its to come across the water but I'll see what he says. I'll feel a bit obtrusive phoning up out the blue so when you PM me, can you let me know who I should say sent me in his direction.

Hi Mark,
I'll send you the PM after this.
I have sent fish (in more clement weather) as far as Scandinavia and recieved eggs from South America. so posting them to you is not a problem as he will use heatpacks. Don't worry I'll let you have my name and he'll know its fine to deal with you. What he may do is send you the fish in his box and what he'll expect you to do is return his box with payment. (poly boxes are a premium these days) see my pinned topic on transportation at the top of the killifish forum. I have sent fish to certain members on this forum and they haven't been returned. So looseing one is hard to replace.
PM being sent now.
Hi All

I breed Annulatus in a 12"x12"x8"tall species tank. I have java moss in there and a small Hui Hung air powered filter.
I dont bother using rain water, nor do I use RO water. I use Leicester tap water which has a pH of 7-8, has a very high GH and a low KH.
I first got them to breed by scolding a teabag, allowing the tea to go cold and adding it to the tank. Care was taken not to get the scum on the top into the tank. This tanned the water and within a week or so I started having babies poping up. I now use part of an Indian almond leaf to create the tanning effect.
I remove the young as soon as they get about 10mm in size to another tank as older broods will preditorise younger broods. Other pairs which i moved in with some adult galaxy rasboras have also produced babies which have survived in the tank. There is no tanning of the water in that tank.
I have never seen any of their eggs yet have successfully had brood after brood for around 3 years. I feed the tank with freshly hatched brine shrimp, occasionally a little finely crushed Aquarian flake or decapsulated brine shrimp if I have forgot to hatch the shrimp.

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