Problems with goldfish

Ah....thanks ryan.
Right,here goes......
Weve had the goldfish in the pond now for about 6 weeks and everything seemed to be going fine until about a week ago when i noticed a couple of the fish with(ill try to describe this as accuratly as i can)patches of red and inflammed scales mainly on the rear sides of the fish(just before the tail fins).
It looks slightly like when someone has "excma" small,clumps of red ,raised spots,but they do look rather tender and inflammed.
It started with one of the fish,now 3 of them have it.Also,one of them seems to have developed a swelling just inside its lip.(It doesnt seem to be able to feed as well as the others,and has problems with getting the small pellets into his mouth)
As i was unsure what to treat them with,i bought some "Interpet" pond goldfish treatment which it says is a "broad spectrum treatment for goldfish"
They dont appear to be "flicking" against objects,gasping at the surface,or covered in a slime.
Today is the 5th and final day of this course,but i cant see any improvment.
Im wondering if i should now try another remedy e.g "Anti ulcer" (the symptoms for this type of treatment is "shallow open sores,fungus...caused by bacteria")
I dont have any sort of quarrantine tank,and i think that as it seems to be spreading through the other fish,it is best to treat the whole pond.
*edit*....have been keeping a check on all water levels(ammonia,nitrates etc....everythings fine)
Sorry this has been so long,but i would really appreciate your help Ryan.
Many thanks
Sounds like a bacterial infection, if the water parameters are all fine its sounds like it has been caused by a parasite? There are several forms of bacterial infections that can infect your fish. Many times the symptoms of bacterial disease can be visible on the fish. Such as the common diseases like Fin Rot, Ulcers, and Dropsy. Others aren't as easy to identify, to help prevent this maintain proper water conditions. The best course of treatment is to separate the fish if possible. The best medicine is a broad spectrum antibiotic, but you must also try to rectify the problem that has caused this.
Thanks for reply Ryan.....i think ill try the remedy for ulcers.
Maybe it was caused by something lurking in the plants which we put in.
I hope it doesn't spread to all your fish that would be terrible. :(

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