Potential Fish To Avoid For Newcomers

No one likes to finger a particular fish. What is easy to keep in one person's tank may wreak havoc in the life of another person's. If you are just starting out, the fish listed below may not be good first choices for many reasons.

excellent list of fish to avoid, can you suggest a nice fish that will adapt easily to a new tank?
It's nice to know which fish to avoid, but are there any fish that anyone would recommend for a complete beginner (like me!)?

Glowlight tetra's,Pristella tetra's, Blood fine tetra's, Silver tipped tetra's, small Danios, platy's are all rather hardy fish that can adapt to varying water parameters in my opinion.
Glowlight Tetra's are pretty good for beginners, but i'd recommend Zebra Danio's first. But as long as a tank has been cycled properly, could get away with other stuff, just nothing ridiculous.

guppies are cheap but they have not ever done well in my tank. they are said to be hardy but truth be told they die easily.
Silver-tip tetra's are great. Same with Cherry Barbs, Platy's, and Zebra Danio's. :good:
Hi, I discovered a no-no the hard way: a gang of 5 Blood Gouramis (dwarf) harried two betta splendens males to death in quick succession: the first was an established fish, and when he saw the Gouramis, he tried to mate with them: things went downhill from there
I have a few Gouramis in my tank and one of them has becomes quite aggressive? (They are a golden color) Is this normal? I thought they were peaceful fish. :unsure:
IMHO nothing beats the high/long finned peppered corys. They are super hardy and look like mini space ships. They don't harrass other fish and just bumble around minding their own business.

Dezi: What type of gourami is it? I'm no expert but I have a coral blue dwarf gourami male and he's got serious temper issues. Many species of gourami are known to be narky.
Have to agree that Cory's are an all round great fish, provided they are given the correct care and not expected to just "clean up" after other fish. I have a 4ft tank dedicated to just cory's and shrimp (now also with a collection of Borneo Suckers) and IMO I could not have a more rewarding tank in terms of hardiness, ease of care, and peacefulness. Guppies I find are hardy (well ours seem to be) but frustrating in terms of population explosions just as platty's and swordtails can be. Neon and cardinal tetras seem to be rather finiky and drop dead in a blink of an eye, while my black neon tetras have never looked backwards and are powering along in their 4ft tank with more shrimp and Bristlenose catfish. Khuli loaches too I have found to be wonderful additions to any tank and never a bother in regards to other fish kept with them.
So really fish to avoid comes down to tank size, owners experience with other fish species and water condions for the area, and most importantly what sort of tank you want to have. Do you want a solitary predatory fish, a brackish tank with semi aggressive fish or a peaceful placid tropical tank, or even slightly pugnacious chiclids the possibilities are seemingly endless but each situation will have fish that are considered to be easy or hard to keep and maintain.
I started with Platys and Swordtails. I have been forgiven for my mistakes as a newbie, although most of my original tank members have past from the unfortunate damage done. But they have left me with babies to carry on the genes and help me earn lots of knowledge. I also enjoys my Albino Cories. They are simply adorable and so fun to watch. I have a group of 4 and they are some funny little guys!

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