Possible set up


New Member
May 14, 2005
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Hello all :)
My first post so be gentle on me!

In a few weeks time I may be inheriting a fish tank from a friend - it's a total mess at the minute, algae covered, dirty water etc. I've no idea if anything is still alive in there :/

So I'm reading up on cycling etc. I'm guessing tank to be roughly 3 foot by 1 foot by 1 foot; put those figures into the calculator up here which came up with 18 point something UK gallons.

After cleaning it up etc and cycling, I would get to buy some fish :D I have a few species in mind but no idea as to whether they will be compatible with each other or with a novice!
They are:
Siamese fighting fish (only one obviously- I've heard conflicting advice on whether they will live happily with other species though)
Kuli loach (sp?) - 2 or 3
a small group of neons - 5 or 6?
Something to munch on the algae - I think my friend had a small plec?

Now waiting for someone to tell me they'd all kill each other... :*)
Khuli loachs will be ok in a new setup but aern't particualy hardy so you'll have to keep water quality as good as posible, neons though realy aern't suited to new tank setups and are very fragile fish, its only recommended you have them until the tank has been mature for at least 4months and has stable water stats- they also don't mix with bettas as they nip them.
Are you going for a male or female betta(siamese fighting fish)?
I guess it depends whether both male and female look the same, or if it is just the male with the extravagant fins? It's the fancy fins I love - shallow of me I know :rolleyes:
Is there a temperament difference between males / females?

Also would there be any neon - sized fish that would be okay? Don't want to cram it full so thinking small you see!
The male siamese fighters are the ones with the long fancy fins and don't do very well in large tanks or community setups, females on the other hand are easier in general to fit into community setups although it depends from female to female on their personality.
Cardinal tetras are a bit hardier than neons and look similar and you could probably put them in once the tank is cycled :thumbs:
My knolege on other types of tetras though isn't great, it might be worth asking what types of tetra are ok for a cycling or newly cycled tank on the tetra section of the forum :nod: .
Tetras and khuli loachs don't produce alot of waste and you could fit about 2 khuli loachs and a dozen or so small tetras easily, or 8 tetras if you are still going for a betta/siamese fighter but i suggest you don't go for a male one if you get the tetras as tetras are prone to nipping the long fins of male bettas.
If you defintly want neons then i suggest you go for a red-tailed black shark (happens to be one of my fave fishes, their great fish to keep) only get one though as like bettas they dont tend to like other males of the same species in tank. I have a red tailed black shark & a male purple veiltail betta in my tank, you would think the shark would be tempted to nip but he dont hes really placid.

corys are great too, i love em they have great character :)
I'd be a bit careful with the shark suggested above, as other members have had different experiences of them- if you are going for the betta, that is. Long flowing fins may prove too much of a temptation.

If you want the betta, I'd go with Tokis' suggestion and add some bottom-dwelling corys; they are very peaceful creatures and unlikely to attack anything. Also, very charming characters, and there are some hardy types (bronze, peppereds), which could be added straight after cycling.

If you want a small shoaling fish, I believe rasboras are hardier (though they're not tetras they look similar), they look very good and I think they are quite peaceful- correct me someone!

But first I would ask on the betta forum what their suggestions are for bettas in a community tank- I have a feeling they would probably recommend females. I've only ever kept a betta in a small tank of its own, so never seen it interact with others.

Good luck- sounds like you're going to have fun!
im not too sure about thebetta i think it woyuld be best to leave it out!the other fish especially neons may nip at the betta and the betta coukd kill the neons.if the tank is brand new and just cycled leave out the neons for afew monththey need very good water to live and be healthy.If you do try thr betta have a 1gal tank or bowl ready in case things go wrong
female bettas fit alot betta into community tanks than male ones and are much less likely to get nipped by other fish, a red tailed black shark will be too big for a 18gal tank though and have rather mixed personalitys- some do great with them while others have problems.
Tokis-Phoenix said:
female bettas fit alot betta into community tanks than male ones and are much less likely to get nipped by other fish, a red tailed black shark will be too big for a 18gal tank though and have rather mixed personalitys- some do great with them while others have problems.
yeah females could do ok in there
I kept a betta with Albino Cory Catfish for about 3 years. (Until the betta died :-( ) There was never any fin nipping or anything gone wrong. But it might just depend on the betta.
OK... so the consensus is khuli loaches should be okay as long as I keep an eye on the water?
Female betta may be better with other fish but also depends on individual fish...
Neons may nip a betta and aren't so hardy to start with...

Need to look into corys and rasporas (sp??)...

What about danios? Generally internet browsing threw up a couple of sites (albeit fish-selling ones) that said danios were more likely to be okay with a betta. Then went on to shrimps and snails!

*Stupid question alert* If I were to go for a female betta, is it the same rule i.e. have one only, or can more than one female be kept together? Also I don't think I've ever actually seen a female betta my local fish shop.... -_-

Thanks for the advice so far :thumbs:

I hope the current tank owner doesn't change her mind after all this! :sly:

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