Plecto thingy...


New Member
May 7, 2003
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Oshkosh, WI, US
I want to get one of those plecto algae eater fish but I have one concern....I've read that they can grow to 20 inches long??

I have a 29 gallon tank and I'm afraid the fish would grow too big for my aquarium??

Any feedback??

depends on the type of plecostomus that you have in mind. if you are having a problem with algae in the tank you might want to consider why. is the tank getting too much light. also, people are under the assumption that the pleco will eat anything left by the other fish, including :sick: poop, which is not true.

moving this topic to catfish where it will get more traffic.

semper fi
I don't have a problem with algae currently....I just like the fish, and need something for the bottom of my tank, too. I know they won't scavenge for loose food... the other fish I was thinking of adding was a cory....are they scavengers?
cories are bottom feeders and also are schooling fish. meaning they need groups of atleast five to feel comfortable in their surroundings.

maybe if you posted exactly what you wanted and what size it would help the pros out in helping you chose a plec.

semper fi

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