Please Share Your Stories :d

Now this is the section that I like...

In the past, I used to predict stuff and got hated for it when bad stuff happened but it was mostly what grades other people will get, or who will do what that will have a big importance later on, or how many will fail an exam and the first letters of the names of 2 people that were able to pass that exam at a 2nd chance (I also specified that only 2 people will pass, no more, no less). I got hated on a lot and ever since, I just gave up on anticipating events.

Several things happened that made me ponder about how the world runs: deja vus.
Best deja vu was a massive one where the whole class in high school were sure (including me) that we already had learned and written down the lesson of the day on our notebooks. But when we all opened them, the pages seemed to be missing (as in, never written). I was SURE we wrote it, and so were the others, but I haven't found any such thing to this day. And in the end we wrote the lesson... only for the end result to look EXACTLY like what I remembered, positioning on page and all... Odd, as if the world has been on rewind.

And several dreams that came true on the same day I've had them. These dreams tend to stick to my memory as if they are fixed into my mind until the moment they come true.
When I was a kid, it used to be about my fish giving birth, and it happened, several times on the exact same days I dreamed about it.

More recently, I have dreamed of 2 earthquakes on different days. They happened, including my dad asking me if I felt the earthquake. Everything, exactly as I dreamed it, including the place my dad was sitting in when he asked me that.

Then a jar of jam in the kitchen, only that I was dreaming of eating from it (and I don't usually eat jam from jars like that). In reality, I found the exact same jar of jam in the kitchen sink. Exact shape, but it was nearly empty and left in the sink by my dad. o_O And no, I didn't eat from it in my sleep (despite having made a sandwich while asleep and eating it when I was a kid), dad confirmed he ate it all and it was his.

Then giving a certain amount of money, but in the dream it was to a beggar, in real life the same amount of money was what I lent my mother. o_O Does this make my mom a beggar? LOL

And there was also the dream where a cat entered my house. And it did, about half an hour later. It was the neighbor's cat, meowing to announce his presence.

That's as close to paranormal as I ever got. But there has to be some scientific explanation. So far, I believe that everything has happened before and it happens again for what ever reason, and some parts of the memories from what seems to be the future end up in the present. Odd, but some day it may be explained.
I find deja vu weird too.
It's strange that you don't remember it until it actually gets to the point where it happened.
I find deja vu weird too.
It's strange that you don't remember it until it actually gets to the point where it happened.
Well, I don't see the need to remember the deja vu unless you see something that will trigger the memory.

The dreams on the other hand... the important element will just keep coming back at me in my mind until the moment when I have to face the object or event in reality.
With one earthquake, I just kept wondering: Will there be a report or something? Why do I keep on feeling like it WILL happen?
That day, I felt a small shake. Then about half an hour later, on TV it said there was an earthquake of a low magnitude (around 3.5 or so on Richter if I remember right) and my dad sat right beside the TV, asking me the exact thing he was asking me in my dream: "Did you feel that earthquake?" I was like "Deja vu dream again..."
As for the jam jar, it kept coming to my mind "What's so important with that jar of jam? I don't like jam that much, why would I be eating jam?" until I went to the kitchen sink and saw it. Then I was like "Oh... and why was it so important?" then I asked dad about it, he just said he ate all the jam. Nothing so important about it, but my mind kept telling me I will see that jar. o_O odd.

Same with the amount of money and the cat. The first earthquake happened immediately after I woke up, because while I was dreaming, it was like this:
I was jumping over some discs. They were concentric, one was orange, the other was white, they formed what seemed to be a fried egg. And a voice was telling me "Jump over the cracks." and then cracks formed over the white disc and seemed to go towards the orange disc.
Then the voice said "And this is how we make earthquakes." and I woke up and everything suddenly started to shake. So I ran to the door and my parents were also up panicking due to the earthquake. o_O

As a side note, these are the ONLY dreams I have no control over, unless I take certain antibiotics that totally cause me nightmares that I cannot control. I usually have complete control, can summon stuff, can fly in my dreams, can request that my mind gives me an answer to the reason why I am dreaming something (and I receive answers such as what caused that dream, what connection does it have to my emotions and such).
Adding this to my list of dreams that come true:
This morning I had a dream, or more like a nightmare, in which my fish tank somehow started to simply lose its back side and all the water started pouring from the edges. Then I was calling my dad on the phone, saying that I need a new tank as soon as possible. Then I was thinking about getting a bigger tank.

I woke up and was like "Phew! It was just a dream, but why couldn't I control it?"
30 minutes later, my dad gets called by some dude he fixed some TV for, who also has a bunch of pangasius, ancistrus, an angelfish and some kind of gourami. Then he asks me if I want another big tank. o_O

That's what I helped him carry home today (though I'm going to feel the pain in the morning due to that...), it's a 150L. Though I cannot use it yet, but some day it will be holding some pretty cool fish. Or... it may serve the purpose from my dream, as a backup in case mine fails.
Some people say dejar viouxe is when the two lobes of the brain has a miscommunication, and the one lobe of the brain is a millisecond behind the other lobe. That brief lil experience of dejar viouxe is the misfiring ewent..

some people say that, not necessarily me..
Some people say dejar viouxe is when the two lobes of the brain has a miscommunication, and the one lobe of the brain is a millisecond behind the other lobe. That brief lil experience of dejar viouxe is the misfiring ewent..

some people say that, not necessarily me..
I know about that, but I'm talking mostly about things that aren't related to just remembering and only one person remembering.
The mass deja-vu for example. How can a whole class have the exact same mind error?
Or the dreams: How can they just keep "haunting" me until they happen (usually half an hour later, but sometimes 1 hour or 3 hours later)? Because in that case, it's as if I'm expecting it to happen, not the "I've been here before" thoughts.
I just read this entire thread. This happened while reading:

I started crying 6 times for no reason at all
I started screaming twice for no reason
3 books flew off my shelf
A picture frame cracked

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