Platy Swimming Funny - I Have Video.


Fish Herder
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Kettering, UK
this is one of my first original platy fry. He is almost a year old now. Its in a understocked 50g (200L) tank. Couple days ago, I noticed he was swimming funny compared to the other 5 platys, he was shaking/wiggling alot more while trying to swim forward, other than that, its been acting normal, eating, swimming everything. Just now I noticed him laying on the bottom of the tank in a way that concerns me. i have no idea what the issue could be, the water parameters are fine, I did the weekly 40% WC just yesterday. Anyone have any ideas? Maybe he has a blockage? He does look quite plump. Im going to try feeding them some peas just to see if that helps.

i havent tested the water, but I can be confident the ammonia, nitrite are at Zero. This isnt a water quality issue. The tank is my large heavily planted show tank and has had perfect water for months and months. Im uploading a video now. This shows his movements exactly. Ill link it once its done uploading. For now Im going to move him to one of my breeder nets, and give him a couple peas.
Well, how odd...I honestly can't think what could be wrong with the liitle guy.

Obviously looks like the shimmies, but what exactly causes that, I'm unsure of. You could try a salt bath, if you have any; 30 minutes in 1 tablespoon of aquarium salt to two gallons of water is my usual recipe for that, see if it helps.

Edit; yeah, Epsom salt would work too. I have to say, I would test the water too, just to be on the safe side.
Well, how odd...I honestly can't think what could be wrong with the liitle guy.

Obviously looks like the shimmies, but what exactly causes that, I'm unsure of. You could try a salt bath, if you have any; 30 minutes in 1 tablespoon of aquarium salt to two gallons of water is my usual recipe for that, see if it helps.

Edit; yeah, Epsom salt would work too. I have to say, I would test the water too, just to be on the safe side.

i do have some aquarium salt. Ive moved him into a breeding net enclosure, and fed the whole tank (and him) a couple peas, doesnt look like hes much interested. I guess Ill give the salt a shot in the morning. He seems to be breathing fine and stuff, so i dont think Ill lose him over night (i hope) ill test the water now. (just to rule it out)

and thanks for your time Flutter!
tested and ammonia and nitrite show up as perfect zeros. ill be trying a salt bath in the morning, but would still love some more ideas!
bump, he starting to be more and more on his side now. I guess im going to try a salt bath, tho ive never done one!
how is he? It looks like he has a big belly there...i imediately thought constipation. as he sinks quickly too. Di the pea work?
tried the salt bath the other day, didnt seem to do anything for him. but he was hanging on. the peas didnt seem to help, i dont know if he even ate them....

found him dead this morning. :(

but at least i saw it coming, i still dont know what happened, im thinking constipation. i fed them prawn for the first time like 2 days before i noticed his weird swimming.

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