Plants or no plants for fancy goldfish tank

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I do not nor have I ever kept goldfish. By, my understanding is they will eat plants. This doesn't mean they cannot be kept in planted tanks, but the need to have a lot of plants as well as the right varieties.. The tricks here are to have plants growing at a faster rate than the goldfish can eat them and plants they tend not to like.

Have a read here it may help but I cannot say from experience what they say is accurate.

But I have had planted tanks for years (without plant eating fish) and I can see why they say what they do. I have never kept Willow or Christmas Moss, only Java moss. I also have not kept Bucephalandra or Hygroryza aristara either. I have kept Blyxa and it can be difficult to get thriving without proper conditions.

There are a bunch of sites that deal with goldfish and planted tanks. And I am sure the goldie keepers here will chime in with better advice than the generic info I can offer.
Goldfish are primarily vegetarian and need a lot of plant matter in their diet. So they should have live plants in the tank they can eat.

Duckweed is a small floating plant that most goldfish love. It is easy to grow and you can keep it in plastic containers outside in the sun. Grab a handful each week or whenever and add it to the tank for the fish to eat.

Fancy goldfish have shorter bodies than normal goldfish and their internal organs are squished up. This can make it harder for them to swim and digest food, and they have more internal problems than normal shaped goldfish like common or comet goldfish.

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