Planted Trigon 350

A quick update. (photo in the first post)

I now have an Fx5 running on my tank

I am also going to take out the dwarf sag. and move the amazon swords to the left of the tank as they are growing too big for the middle and i think they just take over the tank. Hopefully i will be doing that today. I am also taking out the grassy plant to use in another tank, and replacing it with the anubias i got from nick16. I also added some Phyllanthus Fluitans. And have brought some Hydrocotyle Leucocephala which i am going to plant on the right of the tank.

Hopefully if i get that done today i will update again with the rescape.
Have now updated with the rescape.

I now think it looks a little bare, could someone suggest something please?
looks good, you need something in that left hand side gap, have you thought about an Aponogeton?. BTW that bit of wood must be massive!
Yea it is, it barely fit in my girlfriends mini :lol:

Wont an Aponogeton get big though?
I dont really want to cover too much of the wood. I was thinking maby a lilly or something?
es they do get big, i think a lily would look good at the back. Did it cost you much for the wood?
Do yo have space behind the wood on the left hand side? Let's say between the swords, the glass and the wood? If so, it would be nice if you could put a reddish plant in, maybe alternanthera reineckii, or a rotala red, or H. polisperma rosanervig?

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