Plant substrate.

Great Lakes

Always do right, not popular...
May 11, 2002
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Southern Michigan
Rose, I have used kitty litter in my tanks to plant. usually just muck up a bit of it, ball it around the roots, shove it in.
But now I am starting a new tank, and want to try a substrate that will work for plants. I have heard of folks putting a layer of finer material under their gravel to aid in this. I really want my plants anchored well, I plan to house some 4 to 5 inch africans in it and they are sure to rough house the plants a bit.
Are you talking like African Cichlids? Most Cichlids don't do well with any kind of plants. But if you want some in the tank I would go with the ones you can tie to a rock or driftwood. Plants like Java Fern, Java Moss. There are some others but I can't think of what they are at the moment. I'll try and find them for you.

I'm not a fan of Kitty Litter in the tank. I use Laterite or Florite as a substraite for my tanks with a layer of gravel on top. Rose
OK. But tell me, what is laterite and florite, and where do I get them?
Might have to rethink my cichlids and a planted tank too.

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