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Fish Fanatic
May 13, 2012
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setup my 38Gallon bow front and fully cycled now
tank is aprox 35"x16x18h
Filters:aquaclear 30 and a fluval 206 canister

fish stock:5 speckled cory
6 tiger barbs
5 neons
thinking about adding a redtail black shark
tank has a wall of driftwood on one side 3/4 way up tank and 1/3 way across length. have 4 java ferns on driftwood now.
have some java moss on order to make a moss wall for back of tank
just wondering what plants would be best for the open area of tank.
water temp a steady 78, PH7.2, ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 20.

Any ideas will be appreciated :fish:

Substrate is the black moon sand. trying to take a pic but camera not co-operating
Cryptocorynes will fill a nice section of the tank for you, as would some hygrophila too. Get some fast growing stem plants for the rear of the tank such as limnophila, elodea and bacopa. You could also add some anubias to your bog wood also. Vallis would work too for the rear of the tank just to mix up the textures a little.

Java moss isn't really the best moss to try and create a wall with, christmas or weeping would be the better choice. :good:

With regards to the fish, the tank is a little small for the shark as they do grow quite big, 5-6" is usually easily attainable and they are very fast swimming fish so would benefit from a 4ft tank really.

I would up the barbs to 10 and the tetra's to 15. Then I would be looking to add some feature fish, maybe a snazzy pair of apisto's or bolivian rams.

Any thoughts on a small plec? Maybe a group of pitbull plecs? Should fit in quite well.

Good luck.
i read java moss was good for moss walls....but i can get some christmas moss for wall and cover some of my driftwood with java moss. my open space i filled temperally with few plastic plants i got from a buddy. untill i can finish some research on live plants. i do like the crypts idea and some vals in the back.
Java Moss just grows wild and where ever it wants in whatever direction it wants. Christmas Moss is more uniform :good:
ya been reading up on mosses for last few days. Got some java moss already on way so ill use on my driftwood to make a carpeting effect on it. Ordered some christmas moss to do wall. live and learn i guess
No mate, it's different. Taiwan Moss is very bushy and grows very well indeed, even in low light, low tech tanks.

Good suggestion too :good:
Thanks! Never used it myself but I had a friend recommend some to me when I started keeping fish a long while ago. Instead of creating a moss wall, I got some flame moss instead to grow onto a piece of Mopani wood! I think I'll look into making a moss wall when I get a new tank early next year :hyper: I bet it can look good if used appropriately!

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