Pfk Nano Cube

I wake up today, after a long slumber annd come downstairs to find Christmas has come early! "Is that my tank?!" I say in suprise, rush the get a pair of scissors to cut through the tape, I tilt it on it's side the read the writing, it sounds like the items inside tilt to one side. I open it, and eagerly take out the filter, I then look back in and the smile dissapears from my face. There was broken glass there.

That's Me this morning, I later looked again to find that it glass lid that was ever so carefully wrapped in bubble-wrap too small to fit it in that had shattered(at least it's not the tank).

My Mum rang Stuart and the PFK Subscription but neither answered. Not sure whether I want to send it all back or get another glass sheet...
Had the email today confirming mine should be delivered tomorrow :good: :hyper:

Hopefully I wont have a box of broken glass :rolleyes:

Mine just arrived literally 5 mins ago after receiving no email :rolleyes: .
Everything's intact and I'm very pleased with it though! :D
Had the email today confirming mine should be delivered tomorrow :good: :hyper:

Hopefully I wont have a box of broken glass :rolleyes:

Yep it arrived and it is in perfect condition :D

The filter will be added to another tank to mature, while I wait to get the tank setup in my office.

Many thanks to Stuart, who must have worked his ass off getting these sorted :good:

I received an e-mail that it was being delivered, but when it didn't arrive the tracking note just says "broken, please advise".
Do you reckon i contact Stuart for this? Anyone had similar?
ours surprised us and arrived today, had almost forgotten about it! not broken or anything :good:
My PFK tank arrived today, and shock horror its in about 10 pieces :angry:

Have emailed PFK to ask about replacement, but they will need to arrange a weekend delivery as im not taking a day off to wait in for them to uplift and replace the tank.
Got an email saying would get mine on 22nd december by overnite delivery. It didnt arrive then as i suspected but when phoned they said it was because of fog at heathrow. Thankfully it arrived on 28th december all in one peice, was worried seeing i live in belfast. Have plants on order from plants alive, got heater off ebay, £6.99 thought it a bargin, seems like the one they used in PFK. (hagen elite) goin out tommor to get some substrate and sand, cant wait to set it up and get the fish in it(after its matured of course), be good to see pictures of everyones when there up and running. :D
I had a bit of a hiccup with mine, received the e-mail but no tank the next day. The tracking note said it had been delivered. I e-mailed the supplier after waiting for about 4 days to see if it came and came home from work a couple of days later to find it sitting on my doorstep and fortunately in good condition.
I set the little tank up over the Christmas break, but used one of my existing filters because I moved my male Betta into it. I have to say it is a lovely little tank and displays the (dark blue) Betta far better than his other tank did.
I would like to say thank you to PFK for a really nice subscription gift - I love it.
Blimey, having read these posts I'm rather pleased I didn't give in and order the subscription (even though I buy PFK every month) just to get the tank. My regular LFS has them in stock for £32; still a bargain for a decent sized cube with light and filter. I'm going to get one very soon; should look ace well planted and with a small shoal of White Clouds. I think it's going on the little 'phone unit/cabinet.

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