Peas for treats


Fish Crazy
Feb 11, 2005
Reaction score
B.C., Canada.
I heard cichlids liked shelled peas as treats. yesterday i put one her tank but aside from a lil water polo she doesnt show much interest. Any suggestions? :eek:sama:
Mush it up so she can have a little taste first.
ok will do. =] Do pleco eat them at all? i read they like zuccinni or something like that. Just curious if he'll take care of the whole pea hehe
I fed peas three times, I think, before they became "popular" within my tank. Definitely make sure you've taken off the shell, and I assume you're talking about frozen peas here, not canned or fresh. I've started dropping in a few whole peas, and a few that I've pressed in my fingers to soften them (for the smaller fish).

The first time I fed peas, I had to vacuum most of them up the next day. The next few times I had some left over as well, but not as many. Now I drop the peas in and the tank goes nuts! Everyone eats them, and I have barbs, a dwarf gourami, a loach, a pleco, a Siamese Algae Eater, and swordtails. The loach and pleco will suck on them until they've all but disappeared.

I'd try it a few more times before I gave up, if I were you.

Good luck,
Ya, frozen. I didnt take off the shell or anything so I'll try that next time. She swam right up to it and carried it around at first
So she was definately interested in it. My fault again, good thing she knows what she's doing ;) Thanks for the info!
Hi again. I think the easiest way to shell the peas is just to drop a few into a glass of cold water for a few seconds. Squeeze them a little, and the shell will tear/pop, and it'll peel off easily. The rest of the pea will still be frozen enough that it won't disintegrate in your fingertips.

Some people like to defrost the peas before they feed them, but I just drop them in right away. I haven't noticed any real problems with that (they defrost so quickly), although some peas will bob around first before sinking.

-- Pamela
i had a tetra tank
when my bleeding heart tetrasa started to swim on their sides
i told the guy at a fish store
he told me that
when tetras swim on their sides the have gas
you should feedthme peas to get rid the gas
My fish love peas!!!

I put them in a cup of boiling water to soften them first (i boil the kettle) and then take the shell off, mush them, then in they go.

I have Guppies, Platies, Corycats, and Neons.

(I think its the guppies in particular that eat them)
Nice! I just busted up the pea and she went after it and devoured it. Next question how many is a serving for an african yellow? just one? I ask cuz it was gone in one bite. =]
I don't know.... I usually give my fish 3 peas between them once a week or so... So it doesn't matter if it's not enough anyway, cause they get flakes twice a day every other day....

I'm going to try cucumber next, and then, live blood worms!!! boesmani rainbows and congo tetras hit the peas near the surface before they can even get midtank. They swim around with them in their mouths chomping on them like ravenous wolves. Fun to watch. Most of my bottom dwellers will pick at them too. SH

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