Panasonic Lumix Tz7 Help


Is now at University! :D
Mar 26, 2009
Reaction score
Uk, Nottinghamshire
My dad recently bought the camera and no matter what settings I've tried it on I can't seem to take very good pictures.

They seem really washed out.

So any pointers about what sort of settings I should try?

(Might be a bit vague a question...but I have NO photography skill at all)

Even if you just post a link to some sort of FAQ / Walkthrough it'd be very much appreciated.
hi, you know i don't know what iam talking about however, what i do is set mine on programme mode-add either lightning or other flash-set to highest

pixel setting-also try to use the macro setting<picture of a flower> then aim at what you want to photograph, however as using flash angle it a little so

not to get flashback, then just before taking pic lightly press button not fully it should then focus fully-then press fully and capture image, play with

the settings dont be scared, i usually use either the lightning or red eye flashes, seems to work ok for me, once you get used to camera theres lots of

different settings you use, however if your taking a pic without flash you will need a steady hand and good to use the timer,set it for something like

2.5secs, then hold you breath and hope fish do not move :lol:
Also just found this, don't panic it's from a review paper, there was alot of great comment's

"The TZ series has always been sold as travel cameras, and the TZ7 is designed to survive a bit of rough treatment. The overall build quality is extremely good, and almost all the controls are robust and solidly mounted. However there is one exception, and it represents one of my few real complaints about the TZ7. The main mode dial on the top plate is very loose and has a very weak ratchet, and as a result it is easily turned accidentally and can end up between settings. Since the camera won't shoot unless the mode dial is correctly positioned this can cause annoying delays if you're trying to shoot quickly on the spur of the moment. "
I know how to use macro...but there are two settings for macro which confused me straight off.

And I know how to change some of the colour settings, but none of them seemed quite right.

I'll try your suggestions. I've always tried to use flash head on...this might be part of my prob.

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