Our Rocco


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Sep 13, 2016
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Our Rocco (Meyers parrot and originates from Africa) loves to be outside her (yes, Rocco is a she but when she was just bought it wasn't clear yet by her age what sex she was until after a year) cage.
Your Rocco is beautiful! :)

I've thought about if I would have another bird if something happened to my cockatiel, Terabit, and think that I probably would. My first choice would be either another cockatiel or a cockatoo but would probably not get either as the life span is too long -- cockatiel 20-25 years and a cockatoo up to 60 -- and I'm 69. I think I'd probably go with a group of budgies with a lifespan more in line with my age.

With my cage being 3 feet wide and deep by 4 feet tall I could easily have a half dozen budgies. LOL! For any of that to happen I would probably need to make it to my mid 80s to outlive Terabit, as he is annoyingly healthy and active at something like 5-6 years. :)

My first choice would be either another cockatiel or a cockatoo
Well yes, a cockatiel can last a serious number of years. And cockatoos can even outlive someone. But besides budgies, there are also other small parrots and parakeets that have a lifespan of about 10 years. The oldest budgies I had were 15 years. Both had a handicap but outlived many other budgies I had (used to breed them).
Well yes, a cockatiel can last a serious number of years. And cockatoos can even outlive someone. But besides budgies, there are also other small parrots and parakeets that have a lifespan of about 10 years. The oldest budgies I had were 15 years. Both had a handicap but outlived many other budgies I had (used to breed them).
Ya, I know there are several small parrots but other than budgies or parakeets I would have to have shipped. Fish are one thing but having birds shipped??? Of course I haven't looked for local breeders, and it is possible that there some, just don'tsee a need in the near future.

I would like to get Terabit a friend but am afraid to do so. He is a rescue bird and lost a bonded mate due to the previous idiot owner. I am just afraid to introduce another cockatiel as he will attack a mirror.

LOL! If all else failed I could always go with zebra finches. Pretty cool birds that I used to breed in Florida. Would definitely get all males as the things breed like flying rabbits or guppies. ;)
I love Rocco! I would love to have a parrot like that some day. But for now I am happy with my cockatiel and my silly budgie. The cockatiel is a love bug and likes to snuggle. The budgie doesn't want to have anything to do with me touching him. So jaylach, that's something to consider too, if your Terabit is as people friendly as my VanPepperstien (pictured in my avatar), you might feel less than satisfied if you had birds that didn't want to hang out with you. That happened to me, when I got Pug the budgie, it was like a tease, I just wanted to hold him and hang out with him like I did my old cockatiel (Fluffy #3). Then finally I was able to get another cockatiel and I've never been happier! I still love Pug though.

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