Oto In Fry Tank?


Fish Herder
Oct 13, 2012
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My fry tank could use some sprucing up, and I would like to introduce a couple otos. Does anyone have any experience with this being successful?
My fry tank is a 10g planted. 
I have a couple tiny ramshorns and platy babies, and soon to be cory fry. 
I'm not worried about the baby fish, but what about any future eggs???
Ottos are fry-safe fish. I've kept them with fry on a number of occasions.
Yes, they are totally safe with any fry, eggs, etc.
But a 10G may not provide enough food for them long term. Watch their bellies and activity level. Maybe be prepared to grow algae on stones on the window sill.
ThisOldSpouse uses Red Cherry Shrimp as the 'nursemaids' in her fry tank - just to throw out another option, if the concern is the tank is only 10 gallons.
Yes, me too. Cherry shrimp and cory fry is a great combo :)
I forgot to mention, that platy fry and cherry shrimplets won't work well. They hunt for newborn shrimp.
THanks everyone. I also have a small group of blue pearl shrimp in there. And platy fry certainly are not safe with any fry.. a friend of mine gave me some of her angel fry, just at the free swimming stage, and I a put a couple in just to see what would happen.... I will never look at  baby platies the same way.  SO, the platies have been moved to my big tank for now, and the cories and the angel fry are in the fry tank, and two otos as well. 
There's plenty of diatoms and other algaes to keep them fed for a while and once it's cleaned up, I can always move them back to the 60g. 
Both ottos are doing great. The tank looks SO much better, and they both have nice fat bellies, but are looking kind of lazy.  I started up some algae rocks in my kitchen window. Any idea how long these will take???

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