Oscar Tank Right


Fish Fanatic
Mar 31, 2012
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 I bean think about get 5th tank. I would like to add a Oscar and other fish.
 How big of a tank would I need for a Oscar or 2.
 What about a Rope fish, other cilids or big fish?
 Thank You
For a start, 5 tanks is a big undertaking. I'd be thinking about if you can handle doing 5 tanks every week, If so. Fair on yourself.
For a oscar you could get away with a 200 litre tank, But I'd only keep one oscar in it and nothing else. These are big fish. Otherwise, Go for a 400 litre tank, can get a couple and a few other fish like a BN plec and such.
Be very careful putting a BN in with an Oscar....they may attempt to eat it and it will get stuck. Seen it happen sadly. A larger pleco that has no hope of fitting into an Oscars mouth would be a better bet.

Mind you Oscars are pigs! Plecos are poop machines, putting 1 of each of these in the same tank is gonna cause some serious mess LOL
I did have 2 Oscars in a 286litre tank, now there is just the one. I was forced to sell one, due to major fighting (they are reaching sexual maturity) by the now sold Oscar. My remaininng Oscar will now be kept alone so he can have a spoilt hassle free life
 How many gallon is 200 litre?  
Thank You
 So I could put 1 in my 60 gallon tank?

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