Non-agressive Bettas?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 27, 2003
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
Are there any Bettas that aren't aggressive to each other?

It might sound daft to you Betta experts but I would love a planted species tank if it was possible.

Any suggestions?
You cant keep more than one male Betta in a tank they will fight most deffinatly.If you put a female in there with a male you will for sure have baby Bettas.You cant really as far as i know have a species tank for Bettas. :no:
You can House the more rarer B. smaragdina in fact someone I know houses 2 males and 2 females in the same tank together peacefully, but they arent your typical LFS bettas but if you love bettas and want to broaden your betta experience, these fish could be for you :D

Here is a pic of one

further reading
StanTheBetta said:
I thought the short tailed varietys were usually MORE aggressive *shrugs*
Smarigdina, although a similar species to splendens and imbellis, are of a different temperment. Splendens is the one with the killer instinct. Imbellis, like the many other varieties of betta, will fight but not to the death. Usually, the aggressive species was mixed somewhere down the line with splendens. You really can't generalize the entire betta family.
my betta fish is not aggresive at all. he liked my guppy, and he liked my goldfish( i had them in temporaly when i needed to get a tank for it) and it liked my other live bearers as well. just dont put it with fancey guppys it eats their tales.
twice i've seen at the fish store, 2 bettas in one cup. some crude person must have thought it was funny. i told the worker so they could seperate them...but neither had battle scars, nor were fighting when i saw you think you could buy 2 that you might happen to find like this? i seen this again at walmart today, and the two seemed to be peaceful together, and neither had torn fins or anything. but since there wasn't any workers around, my bf took one of their nets and put the betta into a empty cup on the shelf.

i get so tempted to buy these ones, and try to house them together....but i don't want to take the chance.

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