Nomorhamphus sp. Muna island


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Sep 13, 2016
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Overhere some pictures of my viviparous halfbeaks...
Very cool, sounds like they may be harder to feed?
feeding them is not too difficult will eat the usual flake foods they prefer live foods such as flies/fruit flies, mosquito larvae. bloodworms, daphnia, they are also capable of feeding from the bottom of the tank due to them having such a small beak
Very cool, sounds like they may be harder to feed?
Not really.
feeding them is not too difficult will eat the usual flake foods they prefer live foods such as flies/fruit flies, mosquito larvae. bloodworms, daphnia, they are also capable of feeding from the bottom of the tank due to them having such a small beak
It does depend on the kind of halfbeak wether they are able to feed themselves on the bottom of the tank. There are some that have a large lower beak which enables theme to feed just from the surface of the prey should swim into its mouth. But this kind of halfbeaks can feed themselves in every layer.
Another fish I’ve always wanted to see but , alas , never will. They look cool.
This kind of halfbeak won't be offered through retail. Best chance to get your hand on them is by private breeders or catch them yourself. You do need to go to Asia if you wanna catch them.
The hobby must be more breeder and collector oriented in Europe. Here in the US , not so much.
True. Here is western Europe the commercial fish trade is very alive. But We also have a wider network of private breeders with rare livebearers than in the States. Despite of the fact that you do have the ALA, the livebearer societies overhere are bigger. It's a shame that it's less in the States. I do get the requests quite often to ship to the US. But I do know that US customs can be a pain in the butt when it comes to shipping live animals. And I've also noticed that it differs per state how strict customs are.

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